Zygg bike rentals in Toronto using GM ARIV bikes


Well-Known Member
A new subscription e-bike service starting in Toronto... apparently they started out in January, but I saw an article about them yesterday.

They're not hop-on/hop-off like scooter rentals, but a subscription service so you treat it like "your" bike, and they supposedly have a drop off replacement service if your Zygg bike is having issues.

On that front, I DO like it because it "kind of" encourages better behaviour. One of the problems I've noticed with scooters like Lime is the ride-n-dump behaviour of the users.

No idea on what the motors are.

The prices below are based on a 1-year commitment, but they have 2-week trials, and shorter commitment terms (more expensive of course0.

Model M $69/month - up to 60km/charge - Seems overpriced too me. I actually saw one of these on a ride this weekend. The frame looks familiar, but I can't identify the name.

Model G $99/month - up to 175km/charge - this one looked similar to a Gazelle bike, and when I snipped the below image it had "Easyflow" in the file name.

Its silhouette is IDENTICAL to the 2019 Gazelle Easyflow. If this IS a rebranded Easyflow, the pricing seems fair, as the Easyflow sells for about $3200 Canadian. A three year commitment on this would be a little more expensive, but if their repair/replace service is what they say it it, it's not a bad trade-off, especially for someone not mechanically inclined.

Model V $99/month - up to 60km/charge - I don't think I've seen this one before. Anyone recognize it?

It's an interesting design. Range and battery size (250wh) seems off. Maybe the site is wrong?

There's an article here about Zygg...
A little sleuthing shows that the Model M is essentially the now-dead GM e-bike project ARIV. I KNEW it looked familiar.

A little MORE sleuthing - I zoomed in on the hero picture on the Zygg website - and the Model V ALSO had the ARIV branding on the downtube, near the stem. I've never seen this model of ARIV before, but the image had the name "Verity". Was it ever released anywhere that anyone knows of?

I showed the site to a road-bike friend of mine, and he's going to get a short term trial of the Model V, which i'm sure we'll nerd out about. It'll be curious to compare, especially since my OHM Cruise with the Shimano E6100 should be here within the week.
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Sorry I keep replying to my own thread...

If you're in Toronto, and curious enough about GM's mid-drive e-bike project...

This includes the new model V which was never released anywhere before, as far as I can tell.
Will do! I really like the look of that Model V. It's like Riese & Muller had a baby with the Bosch concept e-bike. :)
interested to hear how your friend likes the model V
keep us up to date
The Model V (or Verity) is a really fun bike, but there's also a few weird decisions.

+ The bike looks great in person. Just a really nice design.
+ The motor packs some oomph (I don't know the torque specs but I'd guess 70+nm).
+ The bike was surprisingly light, given the chunky style.
+ The "boost" button which essentially a throttle. Great for starting up from a stop.

- Pretty noisy compared to the other big name mid-drives, probably the noisiest one I've tested.
- You would think that the fairly massive downtube would hold a 500Wh battery, but it's only 250. That's just weird.
- Just a little more jerky than the other mid-drives I tried. Not anywhere close to a typical hub motor, but a little less refined.