Xp Lite questions. Seeking advice


New Member
Have a 62-lb RAD mini, which I love in our very hilly area. But it’s heavy and bulky to wrangle onto the rack to transport.

When we want to go elsewhere to ride more level trails, the Lite looks great. Thinking about getting one. My wife’s terrific Liberty Trike fits in the SUV rear with room for the Lite.

1–How does the Lite do in hills, really? I don’t mind some added work on hills, but I do want to arrive at the top.

2–On the RAD, it’s easy to take the battery off after every ride and take indoors. The small garage can get pretty hot in the summer. How hard is it to take the battery out of the Lite? Do I need to do so after every ride, to protect it from the heat? Does it need to be charged after every ride?

Thanks for any other Lite insights.
1) KevCentral has a great XP Lite hill test (12% grade) that he tests all his eBikes on. A video is worth a million words, so check out his YouTube channel videos. He posted it about 2 weeks ago, so its very recent.
2) One complaint about all Lectric eBikes (and I owned one) is that removing the battery is not something you want to do unless you have to (i.e. its a PITA ...having to fold the bike, then pull out the key so you don't bend it when unfolding it, then turn the key to be able to remove it, then slide it out carefully, etc. That's a bunch of steps...and after you do it once or twice, you don't bother anymore. Garage heat won't bother it. I left my battery in the bike in my garage all summer long and even in direct sunlight. I only removed the battery for winter.
3) According to KevCentral, expect about 15-20 miles per charge as you will be using PAS #3-5 with some throttle most of the time, and add in hills, and you will get less.
We've only had the Lite for a week so I'm sure there are more experienced people here who can give better answers.

I can't tell you about hills (plural) but we live at the top of a small hill (singular). About 25m / 80' rise in about 0.8km / 0.5 miles according to Google Earth. But it feels much more on a bike.
My wife has never been able to ride up the hill on a pedal bike. Yesterday, she far outpaced me much to her delight as she waited for me at the top. This was in PA 3

The bike has to be folded to get the battery out - which I'm sure you knew. Then turn the key to unlock it. Take the key out and get ready to catch the battery as it slides out. This comes out quite fast so watch out.

I don't expect to take the battery out all summer. But I will when the bike is unused during our Minnesota winters. We don't plan on changing every day. I'll check the night before a ride and charge as needed

I hope this helps.
We've only had the Lite for a week so I'm sure there are more experienced people here who can give better answers.

I can't tell you about hills (plural) but we live at the top of a small hill (singular). About 25m / 80' rise in about 0.8km / 0.5 miles according to Google Earth. But it feels much more on a bike.
My wife has never been able to ride up the hill on a pedal bike. Yesterday, she far outpaced me much to her delight as she waited for me at the top. This was in PA 3

The bike has to be folded to get the battery out - which I'm sure you knew. Then turn the key to unlock it. Take the key out and get ready to catch the battery as it slides out. This comes out quite fast so watch out.

I don't expect to take the battery out all summer. But I will when the bike is unused during our Minnesota winters. We don't plan on changing every day. I'll check the night before a ride and charge as needed

I hope this helps.
It does indeed help, and thanks!
1) KevCentral has a great XP Lite hill test (12% grade) that he tests all his eBikes on. A video is worth a million words, so check out his YouTube channel videos. He posted it about 2 weeks ago, so its very recent.
2) One complaint about all Lectric eBikes (and I owned one) is that removing the battery is not something you want to do unless you have to (i.e. its a PITA ...having to fold the bike, then pull out the key so you don't bend it when unfolding it, then turn the key to be able to remove it, then slide it out carefully, etc. That's a bunch of steps...and after you do it once or twice, you don't bother anymore. Garage heat won't bother it. I left my battery in the bike in my garage all summer long and even in direct sunlight. I only removed the battery for winter.
3) According to KevCentral, expect about 15-20 miles per charge as you will be using PAS #3-5 with some throttle most of the time, and add in hills, and you will get less.
Thanks for the very helpful insights! I’ll check out that video. ….I just figured out what PITA means…ha!
1) KevCentral has a great XP Lite hill test (12% grade) that he tests all his eBikes on. A video is worth a million words, so check out his YouTube channel videos. He posted it about 2 weeks ago, so its very recent.
2) One complaint about all Lectric eBikes (and I owned one) is that removing the battery is not something you want to do unless you have to (i.e. its a PITA ...having to fold the bike, then pull out the key so you don't bend it when unfolding it, then turn the key to be able to remove it, then slide it out carefully, etc. That's a bunch of steps...and after you do it once or twice, you don't bother anymore. Garage heat won't bother it. I left my battery in the bike in my garage all summer long and even in direct sunlight. I only removed the battery for winter.
3) According to KevCentral, expect about 15-20 miles per charge as you will be using PAS #3-5 with some throttle most of the time, and add in hills, and you will get less.
Can you mostly leave it at PA level 3 or 4, then use throttle to add speed, or to climb hills?
Can you mostly leave it at PA level 3 or 4, then use throttle to add speed, or to climb hills?
I went out and tried it so I could answer your question. Yes, if you're pedaling away in PA3, the throttle will give you added boost. But you might as well stop pedaling at that point as your legs are just freewheeling. Did that even make sense?