Woohoo.. we are live with the exclusive new controller for bafang ultra.. and more goodies!

Is the Bafang with Archon X1 controller option is just a motor with installed X1 controller or there are all bells and whistles included (cables, display, throttle, high current plug)?

I have not found information about what in the $2000 purchase included other than the motor and controller. On the innotrace website they describe that X1 controller installed in Bafang motor goes with all the cables, throttle, display and updated high current plug all for $1200, and you can even pick some options.

Another question is how do you configure the X1 controller installed in motor purchase? I can not select voltage, wattage or anithing, there is just only "buy" button on the Watt Wagon website while on the innotrace website you can pick the configuration you want.

Is there any difference between the $1200 Innotrace X1 motor pack and the $2000 Archon X1 motor pack? According to the pictures Archon X1 motor uses same Innotrace X1 controller.
Same as innotrace, but WW paid for UL certification to be able to offer it in North America. Innotrace would not offer it to North American customers before that and WW got an exclusive for doing it. The price difference is profit, duty, and recovery of certification cost. Ask nice and they may offer a discount.