Where can I buy an identical charger for this Ebike? Input 240V Output 42.0V

Frank Sebem

New Member
Hi all

My Sister has had an E-Bike for years that she bought second-hand. Of late she says the charger is becoming faulty. So, she wanted to buy an identical charger and obviously headed over to Google. She typed in the exact model name of the charger as shown in the photo (MODEL: SSLC0844V2J) but a google search brought nothing up in Europe and only a match in China which was from a seller called AliExpress for the price of £73.06. However, there were a lot of similar chargers with very similar model numbers. Bingo, we thought. However, on closer inspection, these 'other similar' models have a different connection at the bike end. You can see from the photo that my sisters is 240V UK at one end and one single pin at the bike battery end. These 'other similar' chargers have a 3-pin connection at the bike battery end. So, I would be grateful if somebody with better knowledge in electrics than me (which is pretty much everybody) would be kind enough to find me a google/ebay/amazon link where I can simply click it and purchase a charger that has the same connections and also the same Input, output etc.
Dianes Charger2.jpg

Thanks in advance
Dianes Charger.jpg
You have a 36V charger (42V max) that pits out 2amps with a 5.5mm plug. Just look thru ebay/amazon til you something that ships from a local seller. In the USA, I'd expect to pat about $20USD for one shipped.

^^^ What @harryS said. As an aside, Sans is a fairly common supplier of inexpensive chargers to direct-to-consumer (i.e. bought on the internet) ebikes. There's nothing particularly special about the brand.

One 42v / 2a charger is as good as the next, by and large, at this low end price point which is what the Sans is. That £73.06 price you saw is effectively a hook in the water trolling for suckers.