Hall sensors are small three pin components, almost always mounted on a circuit board like on this Bafang motor.
In your case, looks like they're in the back. Follow the red/black wires which are power for the Hall sensors..
A couple more pictures,I guess I'll need to remove the brown casing, it's an old bike do think the hall sensors will be available?...also I have no way of disconnecting the hub from the frame, it has no 9 pin for quick and easy use.i also cannot use my new ebike tester because I have a different style connectors.The 6 pin,for the hall sensors is a flat style, can't remember the names of these different connectors, but I'm sure you know what I mean!!!.....shall I upgrade it all to a new ebike converter kit and put a puncture Proof tyre on it and have done with it??...future proof like!!!...thanks for all your help