What would you upgrade?


Active Member
Over 500 miles of singletracks in less than 4 months on my Powerfly 8 FS. Replaced cranks and Bosch control unit (took a hard knock off trail endo avoiding downed tree). What are the general upgrades? Shadow XT derailer? where to go up from there? Any suggestions? Differences in chains? Cassettes? Are there limitations on types of replacements for Trek? Any help for a newbie to bike parts would be helpful.
I've replaced my rear wheel with a line comp 40 after smashing my bearings. The Sun Ringle is considering a rebuild with new parts but I'm looking at other wheels to have a set to switch while I do any maintenance or inspections. I'm considering better wheels in the future and I need to inspect pretty often for my riding style (about 70 miles of singletrack a week) .

Has anyone else crushed the bearing cartridges with your e-mtb? I'm doing mild jumps and nothing crazy but I'm wondering if there is some BEEFY bearing cartridges I should be looking at. I don't think it's a problem with wheels as much as bearings.