What Will A Cold War With China Mean To Ebike Industry ?

I think I'd rather worry about something more substantial. Like what we're having for dinner tonight. You know, save the stress for something important!:D
I happen to be a fan of Tom Cotton, but the politics of any person or party don't have to be in play. COVID-19 has certainly shown the problems of relying on one source for so much of anything. No matter what one's politics, the benefits of broadening our sources of X should be obvious.
China´s not really interested in any kind of a war the anyone. They have 1.4 billion people to keep
fed & govern. Conflict interupts commerce, & they have plenty of customers without US. What this
country needs is a new industrial revolution before it even thinks to compete with China.
Families are allowed one kid in the cities, They're not joining the People's Army.