What? No ebike Black Friday sales for the Big Four?

It looks Gawd awful heavy and what is the purpose of all the wood? Cutting boards for outdoor BBQ?
Wood is evidently cheaper than a good metal rack. I fail to see the usefulness of some of these pieces, especially between the seat post and the rear fender.
That piece is for aerodynamics. It makes the bike go faster.
And when not riding it that piece can be used as a serving tray

That extremely long chain will have a lot of slapping noise. Clang clang clang all the way down the road. Who needs a bike bell with that.
And wood squeeks. Clang .Squeek.Clang.Squeek. A one bycycle band...
It would be fun, but I'd hate for the rig to capsize with my ebike on it. :)

EDIT to add: no Black Friday sales on this. Would definitely consider if it were closer to $800.
Not really up to crossing any of the great lakes on that...