What is most important when selecting an eBike?


Well-Known Member
I identify five basic pillars that play in an ebike decision/experience, and they all interconnect with the other.

1. cost
2. total weight
3. Power (ie. speed)
4. Range (ie. battery ahrs)
5. Quality (components, workmanship)

I did not list "ride quality" or experience because the type selection will dicate where the bike is ridden and the quality and other categories will cover the experience.

How would you RANK these item in importance to YOU?

1. Power
2. Quality
3. Range
4. Costs
5. Weight
I identify five basic pillars that play in an ebike decision/experience, and they all interconnect with the other.

1. cost
2. total weight
3. Power (ie. speed)
4. Range (ie. battery ahrs)
5. Quality (components, workmanship)

I did not list "ride quality" or experience because the type selection will dicate where the bike is ridden and the quality and other categories will cover the experience.

How would you RANK these item in importance to YOU?

1. Power
2. Quality
3. Range
4. Costs
5. Weight

1. Reliability
2. Power
3. Range
4. Cost
5. Weight

In many instances quality is in the eye of the beholder. Reliability based on repair, malfunction history for me is more important.

Court J.
Comfort ...before you even move, does this bike fit me?
Stealth....I ride on bike paths, will I be getting hassled especially by legal issues
Location of service....it's going to break, I can't fix it
Reliable...see above location but how often?

Cost matters but I can't control it . I can budget and save but I have what I have to spend
Total weight matters most to me loading and unloading, most weight disappear when I move so get a rack with a ramp on it
Speed when my bike topped out at 20 that was fine but now used to 28 don't want to back
Range is just a matter of buying additional batteries, if important budget for more. I go out w/3 batteries every time
Quality didn't notice much difference is upgraded components from early stromer to current version but the reliability had improved, biggest part of quality issues

This thought train works for me your mileage may very

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