What chain?


Well-Known Member
I'm approaching 500 miles on my Full Seven RX and need to think about chain and front sprocket I think.
If I stand up and push the chain is slipping slightly. (Why don't bikes have axle adjusters like motorcycles to let you deal with some stretch?)
Is there any thing new and "heavy duty" compared to the stocker chain out there?
What about front sprocket choices and how they affect real world riding? I don't need nearly as low a gear as the stock setup provides, and I can't peddle much over the 19mph assist speed because the gearing is so low and I can't push it any faster at 20mph. Would a larger front sprocket make it easier to peddle over the boost speed limit?
On closer inspection it appears I DO have an axle adjustment! Wow! Still going to order one of the new HD K?? chains.
Who DOES know much about chains. (and why don't they have something better to do?)