What about the wheel bearings in a Rad Rover?

Pay Jota

Once again, I have the 2019 model. Wife has the City Step Thru.

Are these riding on bearings that can be lubricated?
I don't know? I never thought about, looked, knew they had them, or tried to lube the wheel bearing on my 2016 Radrovers with +3500 miles each on them? Zero issues with the wheels coming up on 3 years this fall.
Pretty sure the rear are sealed, do not need to be lubed.
front wheel berrings on rad bikes are cup & cone ball type , mine were qite dry & tight at 1300 miles , repacked / readjusted - good to go !
I used an automotive type because I trust the stuff and didn't know any better.
front wheel berrings on rad bikes are cup & cone ball type , mine were qite dry & tight at 1300 miles , repacked / readjusted - good to go !

How does one go about taking this front assembly apart and lubricating it? I have the wheel off and have removed the rubber cups over the nuts.