Westchester ebike club, post your ebike as your stamp of self invitation and membership.

Trail Cruiser

Well-Known Member
I thought I would start a club for people who has access to the New York Wetschester County Trailway and Putnam Trailway. In the future, we can have a meet up or make regular scheduled rides. Hey, the more the merrier.


I'd like to meet up sometime. I commute to work down the Putnam and North County trailways a few times a week. Good idea and keep me in the loop for any meetups.
I saw your post in the "show us where you ride your ebikes" thread. Those trails look interesting. My wife and I are retired and since there are no trails nearby, we often drive 2 - 3 hours to ride our favorites. We live in eastern Pennsylvania and the Putnam is an easy 90 minutes away.

We never did ride with the "spandex" crowd and I'm afraid our days of fast & furious riding are over. We would be interested in joining if two 70 ish riders won't slow the group down too much. Please keep us informed.
Hey Mark. Over in Newtown Ct. Active ebiker!. 63. Trails and roads. Haven't been over your way yet. Appreciate the post. Someday... Love to try the Northern section
Just did most of it last week with my wife.....South county and half of the north county up to elmsford. Very enjoyable ride though some root systems have made parts of it in need of repaving.
In the past, I had a hard time going through the bumpy sections, I spent extra for the body float seat post and also got a separate full suspension ebike.

Recently, after starting a habit (frequent intervals) of standing on the pedal at the down position (6 o'clock), all the bumpy sections are now tolerable. Standing on the pedal also allowed me to stretch my legs and spine, while navigating through the bumpy sections.

It now makes me wonder if I really needed that full suspension.

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