1000 watts is 20 amps at 50 volts. Most purchased batteries are limited to 50 amps or 5000 watts.
How many watthours do you need? The usual sizes are 17.5 ah and 21 ah.
Having welded other things and blown holes in them with too much current or made un-sticky joints with too little, I don't want to weld things that catch fire if you blow a hole in it. Very hot fire.
I can tell you not to purchase from btrbattery of Amazon or sun-ebike Baldwin CIty CA warehouse on ebay. Both sold me garbage. You have 31 days to prove it is the battery, not the motor/controller/throttle/paspickup or your wiring. Luna sold me a good battery but they quit selling 48 v batteries. 52 overheats the motor too fast IMHO. Several vendors refused to sell me a 48 v gearmotor because they overheat on long grades in California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado. Which is 2/3 of the ebike market. 36 v only on rises of 1000' in an hour.