Walmart Bike Rack in stock !!!


Active Member
Just ordered this rack today. I'll keep one in Yuma and the other in Oregon. They're so inexpensive: 4 for the price of 1 Trek rack AND rated for 200#'s - which the Trek is rated at 160#. Also this rack has a bend up so it doesn't bottom out like the Trek.
bike rack.png
sweet, this is the one i got. i put a 700 series, a radrunner plus and 2 kids bikes one there. very solid! we can also use it for coolers, chairs, and other cargo. i love having multiple use things

This thing has. "RV" in the title? U'd think that means you can use it on an RV. Yet on the second page of the instructions, they specifically state to not use it on an RV. What could be different? Just wondering?