Using Main Battery but with UNplugged Range Extender - what happens if....


Well-Known Member
northWET washington
I am trying to see what kind of distance I can achieve with the Main Battery but want a backup option. So I would like to use only the Main Battery but if I run it down to where the power cuts out or slows, I would then plug in the Range Extender. But I don't know how the system would react. I thought I read something about how it might work but can't find it at the moment. So, say I deplete the Main down to 10-15%. If I now plug in the Range Extender, will I have its "full" potential or would I be out on a limb without a paddle (sorry, mixing maxims or metaphors for our foreign friends).

There was probably a better way to word this whole inquiry!
I assume it would work but they don't set it up that way to since they would rather you hammer the easier and cheaper to replace Range Extender. I use mine in the default simultaneous mode and the manual only mentions the RE first as an alternate. Report back on your test. Maybe plan your range test to be on the way back and nearly home when you expect to run out of power and need the Range Extender.
I am trying to see what kind of distance I can achieve with the Main Battery but want a backup option. So I would like to use only the Main Battery but if I run it down to where the power cuts out or slows, I would then plug in the Range Extender. But I don't know how the system would react. I thought I read something about how it might work but can't find it at the moment. So, say I deplete the Main down to 10-15%. If I now plug in the Range Extender, will I have its "full" potential or would I be out on a limb without a paddle (sorry, mixing maxims or metaphors for our foreign friends).

There was probably a better way to word this whole inquiry!
Simply set "discharge Range Extender first" in Mission Control upon plugging the RE in.
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Simply set "discharge Range Extender first" in Mission Control upon plugging the RE in.
I don't think this is necessary. With the default setting to use both batteries simultaneously, I've found it's ok to have the range extender charge (eg 100%) exceed the internal battery. It will drain the range extender until both batteries are approx the same voltage. I've been using the range extender (to hopefully extend the life of the internal battery) since I've gotten the bike. I've frequently recharged only the range extender when I know my next ride would be covered by the 160 Wh. I've notice no difference in starting out with internal battery say 20% and range extender at 100% charge. Blevo will report total battery is 70% and the bike performs as such. When the charge dips below around 10% charge is when I notice reduced output. For example, turbo will no longer provide/Blevo show 300 W motor power - more like 150W or less.
Well, my experiment did not require drawing on the Range Extender. I was down about 20% in the Main Battery after a bit over 20 miles. But then the next almost 20 miles drew it down another 50%. The topography helps explain that.
I don't think this is necessary. With the default setting to use both batteries simultaneously, I've found it's ok to have the range extender charge (eg 100%) exceed the internal battery. It will drain the range extender until both batteries are approx the same voltage. I've been using the range extender (to hopefully extend the life of the internal battery) since I've gotten the bike. I've frequently recharged only the range extender when I know my next ride would be covered by the 160 Wh. I've notice no difference in starting out with internal battery say 20% and range extender at 100% charge. Blevo will report total battery is 70% and the bike performs as such. When the charge dips below around 10% charge is when I notice reduced output. For example, turbo will no longer provide/Blevo show 300 W motor power - more like 150W or less.
That is a very good explanation! Thank you!
I don't think this is necessary. With the default setting to use both batteries simultaneously, I've found it's ok to have the range extender charge (eg 100%) exceed the internal battery. It will drain the range extender until both batteries are approx the same voltage. I've been using the range extender (to hopefully extend the life of the internal battery) since I've gotten the bike. I've frequently recharged only the range extender when I know my next ride would be covered by the 160 Wh. I've notice no difference in starting out with internal battery say 20% and range extender at 100% charge. Blevo will report total battery is 70% and the bike performs as such. When the charge dips below around 10% charge is when I notice reduced output. For example, turbo will no longer provide/Blevo show 300 W motor power - more like 150W or less.
I thought that I had read that somewhere but can't find the source. I don't know if it was in something discussing the Range Extender or setting up Mission Control but I wish I could remember (as well as remember lots of other stuff I now tend to forget).
What are we talking about here? ;) Just kidding. I picked up a range extender for my wife's Vado SL 5.0. Will the system have problems if I use it on my Creo SL? I dropped the RE off at the LBS yesterday for a firmware upgrade, and the tech mentioned the update may be problematic because it has been used on two bikes. I didn't tell him I used it on my Levo SL as well..... oops.
I have a vado sl and a levo sl as well. I got the levo after the range extender firmware had already been updated. Haven't noticed any issues swapping the range extender between bikes.
What are we talking about here? ;) Just kidding. I picked up a range extender for my wife's Vado SL 5.0. Will the system have problems if I use it on my Creo SL? I dropped the RE off at the LBS yesterday for a firmware upgrade, and the tech mentioned the update may be problematic because it has been used on two bikes. I didn't tell him I used it on my Levo SL as well..... oops.
Can they update just the Range Extender Battery by itself. Or do they need the bike? The time I went to the shop, they took the battery but then came back for the bike. I don't see a problem using it on two separate bikes. But who knows, maybe it is very smart and knows it is talking to a Creo this time and a Vado the next!!!!!
Can they update just the Range Extender Battery by itself. Or do they need the bike? The time I went to the shop, they took the battery but then came back for the bike. I don't see a problem using it on two separate bikes. But who knows, maybe it is very smart and knows it is talking to a Creo this time and a Vado the next!!!!!
I don't know. I took the range extender in with my Creo SL that is unfortunately in need of a warranty motor replacement. 947 miles...... The tech knows the extender was bought for my wife's Vado SL. We shall see, and I will report back.
I don't know. I took the range extender in with my Creo SL that is unfortunately in need of a warranty motor replacement. 947 miles...... The tech knows the extender was bought for my wife's Vado SL. We shall see, and I will report back.
I might have missed it - what happened to your MOTOR?
The motor still works and propels the bike, but it is very noisy. It has a very loud whine and sometimes has a pulsating feeling while pedaling. It's hard to describe, but often instead of spinning smoothly I get the impression that every time a magnet passes a pole there is a pulse. I filmed a video cranking my Creo's motor, power off, with the chain off the chainring, compared to my wife's Vado SL in the same condition. The difference is striking. A warranty claim is going to be filed with Specialized. I asked if the new motor comes with a 2 year warranty from the date of installation; I was told probably not. Has anyone looked into this with a replacement motor? Apparently, retail for a replacement motor is $1,300.00. Hopefully this failure is an anomaly! I will not be happy if I am stuck with a retail purchase a year or 2 down the road..... We have a Creo Sl, Vado SL, and Levo Sl.
The motor still works and propels the bike, but it is very noisy. It has a very loud whine and sometimes has a pulsating feeling while pedaling. It's hard to describe, but often instead of spinning smoothly I get the impression that every time a magnet passes a pole there is a pulse. I filmed a video cranking my Creo's motor, power off, with the chain off the chainring, compared to my wife's Vado SL in the same condition. The difference is striking. A warranty claim is going to be filed with Specialized. I asked if the new motor comes with a 2 year warranty from the date of installation; I was told probably not. Has anyone looked into this with a replacement motor? Apparently, retail for a replacement motor is $1,300.00. Hopefully this failure is an anomaly! I will not be happy if I am stuck with a retail purchase a year or 2 down the road..... We have a Creo Sl, Vado SL, and Levo Sl.
Thanks for the info. I know my Creo seems to make more noise in Eco than I expected. Specialized seems to imply that it is almost silent. Mine is not silent. And I occasionally I get a pause or hesitation generally in Turbo.

As far as warranties, I don't know the in's and out's but generally a replacement does not get a new full warranty and rather gets what's left of the original warranty. There may be some additional extension but not the full term. But, again, I don't know how Specialized handles these things.

Good luck.
The hub motor of my 2014/2015 Turbo S was replaced under warranty just within the original covered period. (The freewheel pawls were worn out and not replaceable.) The new motor was warrantied starting from it's installation. The rest of the bike was out of warranty. They may have changed their policy but I would expect a motor to have some period of warranty even if the original purchase warranty has just expired.

Unless something is wrong as may be the case, the motor is quiet but not silent. Some ebikes I can hear coming from a distance and some only if I am next to them. The Creo and Vado SL motors are more sensitive to cadence. I've gotten hesitation only if climbing under load and I pause too long pedaling.
My SL 5.0 motor is very loud also, especially in ECO at 700+ miles. My Vado 5.0 is completely opposite, quiet as could be.
I use both the Extender and main battery in the SL always, together, and have only once after a 50-mile ride, depleted them to around 50% combined.
I feel the use of both removes "range anxiety" for me anyway.
"Loud" or "very loud" is subjective for e-bikes. I agree with Guru that "big" Vados are virtually silent but if we consider Vado SL motor noise, take into account I owned a Yamaha PW-X2 (Giant SyncDrive Pro) motor e-bike.

Pay attention to the motor noise of the Yamaha (Giant) when the tyre noise has been silenced by terrain: