since most americans are covered through their employer, with the insurer guaranteeing coverage of a group, there isn’t really any practical way to charge someone more for being an MTB bro, for example. and once someone is injured, care is needed and will certainly be given. i have never heard of an insurance claim being denied because the injury could have been prevented, but certainly the subrogation process can be used to go after someone else if they’re to blame for the injury. a few times we’ve had minor trauma type injuries we get very persistent calls from the insurance company trying to convince us that we got hit by a car, did we get their insurance etc.
an interesting twist on this is that i have an inherited cardiomyopathy, a very expensive one, which is exacerbated by high intensity aerobic activity. people who have this are advised to take it easy. in the more extreme cases, those who don’t take it easy end up getting transplants after a long period of increasingly expensive care. i have NEVER heard of insurance not covering these things - or letting someone die - because they did something strictly against their medical advice.
my case is not so cut and dry, both based on the genetics and presentation, but there are many people who are told : “do not exercise,” they do anyway because they love it, they get extremely sick, and millions of dollars are spent. could we have a system where full coverage required compliance with your doctors’ advice? don’t drink, smoke, get fat, etc? and what would we do for the people who ignored it? lots of people get heart disease without doing anything wrong, so who would be to say that an obese carnivore got heart disease because of their behavior and not just bad luck…