University Project Involving E-Bikes


Active Member
Saw this on Reddit and thought I'd paste it here. Not sure if it is posted already...

"We are a student team at California State University Fullerton who are doing market research for a new Battery startup for one of our classes. The startup is developing a new type of Lithium Battery for E-Bikes and is looking for feedback. If you could help us out by filling out a Google Forms survey that would be GREATLY appreciated. It is short and should only take a few minutes. Thank you!"
I am very interested in the topic of lithium batteries and the development of battery technology, but I had never heard of this student project. I also remember a lot of talk about graphene batteries, but as far as I know, they are not used on an industrial scale now. Guys from my university were working on an interesting resource project with free essay samples about child labor for students. This way they wanted to educate the masses about the problem.
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