UK newbie


New Member
Expecting delivery of radrunner EU soon. Have also ordered eggrider v2. Haven't a clue if I can make this bike get nearer to US spec. Told by rad power bikes cannot order US spec radrunner to be delivered to UK as it might not get through customs ?
Welcome the the site.
Governments want their license fees, insurance companies want their fees. **** nanny states, Massachusetts is the same here. I dont' know how the Swiss get by with 250 W, may as well not bother with a motor IMHO. I've got 15% grades here, lots of short rollers. 77 on the way to my summer camp.
OTOH, somerset is not north Yorkshire, is it? Riding the downs might be fun. If UK didn't have left hand driving I'd take a ebike tour, but backwards driving scares the willies out of me. Wife almost got killed walking across Gant's hill circle near Ilford.
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