Turbo Vado 5.0 IGH Step-Through


I somewhat recently found this forum and more recently joined. This forum, and all of your posts, have provided me with a lot of helpful information. I thought that I would post and say thanks to everyone.

I researched all sorts of e-bikes - from online direct to consumer to the various name brands/brick and mortars. I largely researched mountain bikes and commuter/active bikes. I originally thought that I wanted a hybrid mountain/commuter bike. I learned, as most of you already know, that it's tough to find those and they are somewhat problematic in that it isn't very easy to pull off both.

A little about me...I'm in my early 50's. I used to bike a lot but that was decades ago - college and for several years post college. Back then, it was almost entirely road bikes. Then, life, work, and kids took priority. Been slowly gaining weight over the years and asked my physician about my weight. He suggested that I could lose 15-20.

I'll admit that availability somewhat played into what I purchased - a Turbo Vado 5.0 IGH Step-Through. I would have seriously considered the non-IGH 5.0 model if it was available. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to ride a Turbo Vado. Again, this was due to availability - the closest one is hundreds of miles away. That's life in the post-Covid world. However, I'm quite excited. I'm looking forward to getting back out on a bike (well, ebike) and losing some weight.

It'll be a few weeks before I get the ebike. I am going to order a floor stand/parking rack stand for it. I don't want to have it on the wall. I also need to start researching clothing, since it's starting to get colder.

Again, thanks for all of the help!

Welcome! I have the high step model 5.0 IGH after trying a few other bikes. The radar is absolutely amazing. That alone made the 5.0 worth it for me. (probably will never ride another bike without it). And I am a huge fan of the Automatic shifting.

Enjoy the bike!
Thanks Dynamic! I've been following your thread and it has certainly been helpful. I hope that the the LBS gets your back fixed and returned to you soon.
Received some good news on Friday. I had been checking the Specialized website for confirmation that the bike had shipped - thought that I was supposed to get an email from them and was wondering why it would take a full work week.

Decided to call the LBS and they confirmed that it arrived on Friday. They will build it on Wed/Thurs this week. I'm anxious to bring it home and get out there riding again.
Picked up the bike on Friday and was able to get out on Sunday - between rains - for a decent ride. Well, decent for me anyway. It was about 15 miles of rolling hills. On the way out, I was between ECO and Sport. On the way back, I was from ECO to Turbo. Legs were getting tired, but I haven't exercised regularly in too many years.

The bike was great! I really enjoyed it! The IGH worked very well - although I need to get used to it. There were certainly some times when I went to peddle and started to think - what gear am I in? There's no need to think about it. There were many times when I was going up a hill and started to think - this sucks. Then I realized that I could go up a notch in support. Brought a smile to my face.

Hands/arms did okay, although I did need to shake them out a bit hear the end. Didn't ride today even though it was a much nicer day. Will try to get out for a bit tomorrow.

I need to buy a bag of some sort. Since it's a step through, I'm thinking that I'll just get a bag that locks into the top of the rear rack. When I went out Sunday, I wasn't able to bring much of anything with me. Read jimji's post (https://electricbikereview.com/forums/threads/vado-5-0-igh-making-a-great-bike-better.51189/) and I'm considering new tires - especially as the weather gets worse.
I use a single pannier for majority of my riding, carries tools and pump. At 22L big enough for daily commute and light shop on way home. Use a hunting belt bag that clips over front handle bars, this as folding lock plus my wallet, keys phone if not raining. Had cheap pannier fall off once with my keys and wallet in it, got it back but never again, prefer keep these items in sight.

Could put lock in pannier but fishing it out of bottom is hassle when doing quick stop.

In regards to hunting belt bag, struggled to find simple handlebar bag that was big enough for wallet, keys and phone. Designed to clip around a belt.
Picked up the bike on Friday and was able to get out on Sunday - between rains - for a decent ride. Well, decent for me anyway. It was about 15 miles of rolling hills. On the way out, I was between ECO and Sport. On the way back, I was from ECO to Turbo. Legs were getting tired, but I haven't exercised regularly in too many years.

The bike was great! I really enjoyed it! The IGH worked very well - although I need to get used to it. There were certainly some times when I went to peddle and started to think - what gear am I in? There's no need to think about it. There were many times when I was going up a hill and started to think - this sucks. Then I realized that I could go up a notch in support. Brought a smile to my face.

Hands/arms did okay, although I did need to shake them out a bit hear the end. Didn't ride today even though it was a much nicer day. Will try to get out for a bit tomorrow.

I need to buy a bag of some sort. Since it's a step through, I'm thinking that I'll just get a bag that locks into the top of the rear rack. When I went out Sunday, I wasn't able to bring much of anything with me. Read jimji's post (https://electricbikereview.com/forums/threads/vado-5-0-igh-making-a-great-bike-better.51189/) and I'm considering new tires - especially as the weather gets worse.
Enjoy! I have the Como5 IGH and love it. Auto gears take a bit of getting used to. As per other threads, at top speed you sometimes feel the need for an extra gear and I'm getting the back cog changed out to a smaller one. Its a great system.
Picked up the bike on Friday and was able to get out on Sunday - between rains - for a decent ride. Well, decent for me anyway. It was about 15 miles of rolling hills. On the way out, I was between ECO and Sport. On the way back, I was from ECO to Turbo. Legs were getting tired, but I haven't exercised regularly in too many years.

The bike was great! I really enjoyed it! The IGH worked very well - although I need to get used to it. There were certainly some times when I went to peddle and started to think - what gear am I in? There's no need to think about it. There were many times when I was going up a hill and started to think - this sucks. Then I realized that I could go up a notch in support. Brought a smile to my face.

Hands/arms did okay, although I did need to shake them out a bit hear the end. Didn't ride today even though it was a much nicer day. Will try to get out for a bit tomorrow.

I need to buy a bag of some sort. Since it's a step through, I'm thinking that I'll just get a bag that locks into the top of the rear rack. When I went out Sunday, I wasn't able to bring much of anything with me. Read jimji's post (https://electricbikereview.com/forums/threads/vado-5-0-igh-making-a-great-bike-better.51189/) and I'm considering new tires - especially as the weather gets worse.
i use the topeak bag and the bracket that fits for our rear fender and works great for extra gear and a jacket and its secure and can be removed quickly when needed
I moved to SL eq so,
I have a bracket or a fender that you can use since my bike came with fenders i have my old bracket and all the hardware that will fit your bike all you have to do is buy a bag it slides right on and locks in place



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Oh boy. That’s a massive photo. Sorry.

Went for a ride yesterday and I noticed that there are times when it’s not pedaling as smoothly as it was before yesterday. I’m a bit concerned. It wasn’t constant and it wasn‘t “slipping.” It was move of a vibration or shake. At one point, it was significant enough that I could hear something in the area of the handlebars vibrating. Could certainly feel it in the pedals. I’m hoping that it’s just the bike getting settled in and that it’ll go away…

It’s fairly cold around here today and my winter bibs aren’t arriving until tomorrow. But I’m going to give it a go. Might be a rather short one. 🤪
Oh boy. That’s a massive photo. Sorry.

Went for a ride yesterday and I noticed that there are times when it’s not pedaling as smoothly as it was before yesterday. I’m a bit concerned. It wasn’t constant and it wasn‘t “slipping.” It was move of a vibration or shake. At one point, it was significant enough that I could hear something in the area of the handlebars vibrating. Could certainly feel it in the pedals. I’m hoping that it’s just the bike getting settled in and that it’ll go away…

It’s fairly cold around here today and my winter bibs aren’t arriving until tomorrow. But I’m going to give it a go. Might be a rather short one. 🤪
*crosses fingers* for you.
I’m afraid to ask…is that how it started for you?
Hard to say. At first my hub wasn’t calibrated and wouldn’t go into the lowest gear. Then the speed sensor had issues. During that time I felt some odd things drive train wise. When I got it back it started slipping. Then a long ride, it did it a ton. Among other smaller issues here and there. There was also a new whining motor noise. I just gave up.
That’s a lot of issues.

Speaking of issue, I’m having issues getting motivated to go ride. Windchill is in the low 20’s.
That’s a lot of issues.

Speaking of issue, I’m having issues getting motivated to go ride. Windchill is in the low 20’s.
Yeah, I still haven’t ridden in true winter temperatures. It was one of my biggest concerns buying another bike right now: will I really be able to test it thoroughly right now?

So, I am prepared to go all out in winter gear. Tires are already ordered, and those wulvhammer boots will get purchased if the feet become the week point for cold. And that patagonia torrent shell was way too warm in the low 40/high 30. So, hopefully, I will work through it. Snow is here and on the ground.
Ugh. No snow here. Certainly understand the getting winter tires for that.

Glad to say that I got the ride in on Sunday. It wasn't far or very long, but it counts as some exercise. Certainly better than sitting on the couch. It was so windy that I couldn't hear much of anything, but there were times that I could feel the vibration or shake. I can't tell where it's coming from. It's not constant.

I do love the bike and really hope that it works out. On Sunday, I was going up and down rolling hills. On the way out, I was going into the wind - gusts to 25 mph. Can set the bike to give just enough assist to keep my legs spinning and going up the hill. Legs were certainly burning at the top but isn't that the point?

Cold weather bibs arrived last night, along with a skull cap and neck gaiter.
Ugh. No snow here. Certainly understand the getting winter tires for that.

Glad to say that I got the ride in on Sunday. It wasn't far or very long, but it counts as some exercise. Certainly better than sitting on the couch. It was so windy that I couldn't hear much of anything, but there were times that I could feel the vibration or shake. I can't tell where it's coming from. It's not constant.

I do love the bike and really hope that it works out. On Sunday, I was going up and down rolling hills. On the way out, I was going into the wind - gusts to 25 mph. Can set the bike to give just enough assist to keep my legs spinning and going up the hill. Legs were certainly burning at the top but isn't that the point?

Cold weather bibs arrived last night, along with a skull cap and neck gaiter.

How is the bike working out for you now?
How is the bike working out for you now?
I posted this on another thread about 2 weeks ago:

Went for a ride yesterday and I noticed that there are times when it’s not pedaling as smoothly as it was before yesterday. I’m a bit concerned. It wasn’t constant and it wasn‘t “slipping.” It was move of a vibration or shake. At one point, it was significant enough that I could hear something in the area of the handlebars vibrating. Could certainly feel it in the pedals. I’m hoping that it’s just the bike getting settled in and that it’ll go away…

I'm not getting out to ride as much as I'd like to. It's getting dark here very early, so weekends are my real opportunity. However, I have ridden the bike after that post. It's been fairly windy so my ability to hear anything has been decreased. To the extent that it has happened more recently, it was much less. On one ride, I thought that it happened for less than 5 seconds over a little less than a one hour ride. I only felt it on the pedals - no vibrations up near the handlebars. There is still no slipping.

Due to the issues noted on this forum, I am trying to pay particular attention. I am still quite happy with the bike and really enjoy riding it. Love the IGH.