Turbo set

Paul Marin

New Member
I've tried to follow instructions for my Vado to set units from the default kilometers to miles. The instructions say hold the set button which does nothing. When I do set it the it reverts back to kilos every time? Any advice? Thanks!
I've tried to follow instructions for my Vado to set units from the default kilometers to miles. The instructions say hold the set button which does nothing. When I do set it the it reverts back to kilos every time? Any advice? Thanks!
My LBS says this is probably SW still waiting to catch up with the HW if anyone has this same issue.
I've tried to follow instructions for my Vado to set units from the default kilometers to miles. The instructions say hold the set button which does nothing. When I do set it the it reverts back to kilos every time? Any advice? Thanks!
My new Vado 3.0 did the same, defaulting back to kilometers. Lbs talked to specialized tech help. Dealer was supposed to update firmware before delivery. He did not even know he was supposed to do that. We used a micro usb DATA cable to a program he had on his desktop from Specialized. Now stays where you choose. The trip odometer still resets to zero when you power off. Btw I am unable to connect to specialized mission control app. Supposed to be fixed by Oct. probably will need the dealer to upgrade it again.