Turbo Creo TCU error lights and motor hesitation?


Active Member
My situation may be unique as I have removed the main battery from my 2019 Creo and have been running it with just the Range Extender battery. I removed the main battery originally so I could more easily take the bike on an airplane. That plan actually worked out perfectly with no bike or airline issues. At home, rather than reinstalling the main battery, I have been running the bike on one or two RE batteries = one connected and one as a backup in my second bottle cage. Lately I have seen red and blue error code lights on the TCU and when I see those the motor seems to be hesitating sorta like it's not getting enough power. Sometimes I can do a 35 mile ride with no issues. Sometimes during a ride the error codes and motor off/on/hiccups happen intermittently during the ride. Anyone had any issues like this who can shed light on the issue and the fix?
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Did You get a dealer to remove main battery or do it yourself? I could be tempted to do that for a tour with a couple of range extenders es when you can’t be certain of access to a power point to recharge overnight.
Did You get a dealer to remove main battery or do it yourself? I could be tempted to do that for a tour with a couple of range extenders es when you can’t be certain of access to a power point to recharge overnight.
I did it myself. There are a couple of vid on the internet showing guys doing it. On on a mt bike and the other on a Creo.

If you do it with bike upside down the hardest part is dealing with a spacer installed on only one of the six motor bolts. I now know how :).