Turbo Connect Display Battery Replacement (TCD Lo Bat)

My Como 4 is my second electric bike. First was a Kalkoff Agattu with a Nuvinci hub and belt drive but I had continuous issues with it. I absolutely love my Como. No comparison and prefer having control over the gears and it's so much more responsive.
To update the statements here that all information is lost; I just replaced the battery in my TCD and strangely it retained our recent ride info and the configuration. The odometer zeroed out - until I turned the bike on. The TCU must have uploaded the odometer reading because it's back! I love my Creo Comp Carbon Evo. Increasingly I ride it with no assist until i hit a gnarly hill.
Update. display again says Lo Batt. Just over 2 years since last change of battery. Must be like a watch; first one lasts much longer than subsequent batteries. I haven't been able to use my bike for the past 6 months due to a hip replacement problem and subsequent revision. Hoping to get back on soon (after display battery replacement🤣)
Update. display again says Lo Batt. Just over 2 years since last change of battery. Must be like a watch; first one lasts much longer than subsequent batteries. I haven't been able to use my bike for the past 6 months due to a hip replacement problem and subsequent revision. Hoping to get back on soon (after display battery replacement🤣)
Two years is pretty normal. Same for me!
As the stored batteries have a long shelf life, I keep the next for the replacement after the next two years :)
Update March 2025. Low battery again, so definitely 2 years. Need new replacement again. I did find a LR41 in my battery drawer but have no idea what it’s for. Don’t suppose it’s a 1220 equivalent?