Trying to decide between a Roam E+ GTS and a Roam Explorer+ 2 GTS


New Member
Hey folks, looking for any pointers or advice that might make me sway to either bike. I'm 50, used to ride dirt bikes (enduro), and unfortunately have to pack it in due to re-occurring herniated discs. Decided to get an e-bike, but am a newb and a bit torn on wether the Explorer is worth the additional 1k. I plan to ride roads, rail bed type trails, campgrounds, probably 20-40km round trip outings for now. The major difference that I see is an extra 100W and 80nm vs 50nm, although from what I read that really varies in truth from vendor to vendor. If you have any advice, I'm all ears.

I have a 2020 Explore E+ 2 STA, which is the step-through. I’m 75, and enjoy not having to lift my leg over the crossbar. I use the Explore for gravel/road rides and everyday commuting/shopping. The fenders, rack, and lights are a bonus. The two chainrings up front give me lots of choice in gearing, and since I ride mostly in Eco, or Eco+ when climbing, the bike shows a range of 150 kms. I love this bike so much that I’ve extended my weekly out-and-back 12 km trip to the library to a 57 km round trip, just because I can. 😉
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Explore looks like it has:
Newer battery format (front load)
Larger battery (500 instead of 400)
Sport motor vs Core
Bigger battery charger (6a vs 4a)
LCD display
Larger disc brakes
Range extender compatible (in case you find you want longer rides than the 500mah battery can take you).

If I had the money I think I'd choose the Explore. Both bikes would serve well though.
Hey folks, looking for any pointers or advice that might make me sway to either bike. I'm 50, used to ride dirt bikes (enduro), and unfortunately have to pack it in due to re-occurring herniated discs. Decided to get an e-bike, but am a newb and a bit torn on wether the Explorer is worth the additional 1k. I plan to ride roads, rail bed type trails, campgrounds, probably 20-40km round trip outings for now. The major difference that I see is an extra 100W and 80nm vs 50nm, although from what I read that really varies in truth from vendor to vendor. If you have any advice, I'm all ears.

I have a US Spec'd 2021 explorer. I have been a cyclist my entire life on and off when not cycling I did motorcycles (600 katana and wr250r )
also the same age as you.

the Explorer checks all the boxes.
i sold my car and i need all weather capability and the abilty for cargo to ensure i can use this as a car replacement.

Got the bike in april 600 miles in and I love the ebike.
I have owned both of these bikes. I purchased the Roam in 2021, and the Explore in early 2022. For the $700 difference in price you get the folloing:

1. Class 3 28mph e-bike
2. 60nm vs 50nm...and the difference is noticeable
3. Fenders
4. Lights
5. Integrated rack
6. Display
7. Better controller (Ergo 2)

In my estimation, I would definitely pick the Explore over the Roam. The Roam is still a good entry level e-bike, but the Explore is superior in every way. Hope that helps.