Total e-bike ban after a fatality in Key Biscayne, FLA


Well-Known Member
Claremont, NH

A 12 year old boy on an e-bike collided with a woman on a bicycle. Two days later, there is a total ban there.

Please read the entire article before commenting. It sounds to me like they are throwing the baby with the bath water.

It’s tragic that someone died, but they should investigate it further and make some logical rules, like age and class appropriate rules.
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With logic like this, I’m shocked cars haven’t been banned yet. Shocked, I tell you.
It’s not too surprising. They tried but failed at making rules regarding age and class, so instead they ban them all, (they chose the reactionary/easy way out).

The woman that was involved wasn’t wearing a helmet and it sounds like the investigation is ongoing.

My own feeling is that anyone that is too young to drive has no business on anything with a throttle.
12 year olds do not belong on vehicles that can go 28 mph. They can walk or ride regular bikes.

It's also ridiculous that police were not writing the citations they could have been because doing so would prevent kids from getting their learners permits.

And, the kids they talked to sounded pretty damned entitled...

A 12 year old boy on an e-bike collided with a woman on a bicycle. Two days later, there is a total ban there.

Please read the entire article before commenting. It sounds to me like they are throwing the baby with the bath water.

It’s tragic that someone died, but they should investigate it further and make some logical rules, like age and class appropriate rules.
you are going to see more of this as the ebikes(ecycles) get faster and the riders dumber.
you are going to see more of this as the ebikes(ecycles) get faster and the riders dumber.
One problem is that it is easier to ban all e-bikes outright than it is to learn about them and make common sense laws, (and enforce them). Parents that enable dangerous behavior should be held accountable as well. Whether pedals are present or not, if a vehicle is powered solely by a motor above a certain speed, then it should be regulated as a motor vehicle, (I am not including vehicles for those with special needs).

One of these kids was complaining that he just got his Super 73, and now it’s banned. The Super 73 ”claims” that it has multiple classes, including an “off-road” mode that provides a throttled speed of 28+ mph. It’s one of those mini bike type ”ebikes” with superfluous pedals.

I agree with @PatriciaK: “And, the kids they talked to sounded pretty damned entitled...”.

Kids may want fairly fast motorized transportation, but most would be better off on a conventional bicycle. If they want or need an assist, a 250 watt Class 1 should be more than adequate.
Many of us in my area had gas powered mini bikes at that age. They were (are) illegal. But we quickly learned if we didn't piss people off and rode when and where it didn't affect others, the cops turned a blind eye.
Dumb parents and entitled kids ruin it for the rest of us sensible outlaws.
if a vehicle is powered solely by a motor above a certain speed, then it should be regulated as a motor vehicle, (I am not including vehicles for those with special needs)
I speculate a mobility device wouldn't go fast enough as to be included.
The adult killed wasn't wearing a helmet. Any simple fall where the head hits the concrete could result in TBI or death. Even from a standstill. Why the local government didn't first and foremost mandate helmet wearing is ignorant.

So now all ebikes are relegated to streets instead of walkways. Until some kid gets hit and killed by a speeding car. Then they can emulate Mackinaw Island and banish cars. Or kids. Or all bikes irregardless.
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A 12 year old boy on an e-bike collided with a woman on a bicycle. Two days later, there is a total ban there.

Please read the entire article before commenting. It sounds to me like they are throwing the baby with the bath water.

It’s tragic that someone died, but they should investigate it further and make some logical rules, like age and class appropriate rules.
I figured this was coming. The Super 73 style ebike is not even really a bike. Most of the people I see riding them rarely pedal. Oh well, it was a nice hobby during Covid!
why the heck do kids in key biscayne, Florida, (average elevation, 5 feet above sea level. high point, 10 feet above sea level) need e-bikes?

wherever the actual fault here in this tragic occurrence is (parents and the non-helmet-wearing-adult) this kind of thing is just not necessary. it will gradually make it harder and harder for responsible people to use e-bikes in appropriate situations.
why the heck do kids in key biscayne, Florida, (average elevation, 5 feet above sea level. high point, 10 feet above sea level) need e-bikes?
Because everything in life doesn't necessarily have to be a necessity. They're fun.
wherever the actual fault here in this tragic occurrence is (parents and the non-helmet-wearing-adult) this kind of thing is just not necessary. it will gradually make it harder and harder for responsible people to use e-bikes in appropriate situations.
And who dictates appropriate?
The situation needs to improve but bans aren't the answer.
Maybe more bike/ebike education and infrastructure?
You know... like in the glorious Netherlands
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"Biscayne Bay
Where the Cuban gentlemen sleep all day
I went searching for the song you used to sing to me"

I knew that name was sticking in my mind. Biscayne was also the base Chevy sedan in the late 60's, but you could have had one fitted with the 409, and later the 427, But let's stay mellow with the good doctor.
Because everything in life doesn't necessarily have to be a necessity. They're fun.

And who dictates appropriate?
The situation needs to improve but bans aren't the answer.
Maybe more bike/ebike education and infrastructure?
You know... like in the glorious Netherlands

consensus and/or the constitution dictates appropriate, i’d say. and kids on motor vehicles on public roads / sidewalks = not appropriate by just about any reasonable standard. off in the woods or a jump park or whatever, sure. they’ll only hurt themselves.

i did enough crazy/reckless/dumb sh** as a kid without a motor, at some level there’s no amount of parenting that can overcome being a 12 year old boy 😂
Clearly an overreaction, right now its temperary, we'll see how it goes.
That being said, I rented a Bosch powered ebike and rode through Key Biscayne and along the cuaseway bridge four times in this January. The main road through the center of Key Biscane is pretty busy with a few intersections, lots of traffic and pedestrians. I saw a good number of young kids/teens riding "ebikes", or electric mini bikes using throttle only, not pedaling. I could see banning ebikes with throttles, and all mini-bike style bikes in a residentisal area like Key biscayne. Make those kids pedal bicycles with torque sensors. If they want to ride what is essentially an electric mini-bike (Super 78 and its ilk), they should have to license them and ride on the road and obey traffic laws.
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Just for fun asked those kids why they are not wearing helmets. They look at me probably thought I was a cop because of blue lights on my bike.
Best answer I heard was "My mom didn't buy me helmet."
It blows me away how many kids in my neighborhood ride bicycles and scooters without helmets, and elbow pads. Poor parenting.
Do we ban all cars when someone is hit or dies because of one? We have 43,000 automotive related deaths per year in the U.S. My aunt Lucile with Parkinsons was hit by a regular road bike an died in New Hampshire. No fault found. These are called accidents for a reason. Think of the upside of fewer cars on the roads and of micro-mobility accessibility. Yes, accidents do happen. We have come to accept that fact. It is better with 40 pounds at 20 mph or 4,000 pounds at 55 mph. All the clunky inexpensive internet only eBikes have hand throttles or can be ghost pedaled, but it is what parents can afford. These kids are our future, and they are moving in the right direction, toward green micro-mobility.
Do we ban all cars when someone is hit or dies because of one? We have 43,000 automotive related deaths per year in the U.S. My aunt Lucile with Parkinsons was hit by a regular road bike an died in New Hampshire. No fault found. These are called accidents for a reason. Think of the upside of fewer cars on the roads and of micro-mobility accessibility. Yes, accidents do happen. We have come to accept that fact. It is better with 40 pounds at 20 mph or 4,000 pounds at 55 mph. All the clunky inexpensive internet only eBikes have hand throttles or can be ghost pedaled, but it is what parents can afford. These kids are our future, and they are moving in the right direction, toward green micro-mobility.
Gotta love the clueless person interviewed by the news station who claimed she could finally walk around safely.

Of course, another rightly pointed out that this will lead to many more car trips. ....Those massive 2-3 ton metal tanks capable of 150+ mph that actually kill and maim people...