I just recently converted one of my bikes to electric and I have a Lectric XP on order for the wife. These bikes weigh over 50 lbs each and my old Hollywood rack couldn't handle the weight safely. I decided on the Thule Easy Fold for a couple of reasons, it had to support heavy Ebikes, I wanted it to be light weight/compact for storage, name brand, and last it had to have tail lights and a license plate holder. On the last point, I don't know why racks don't come with tail lights/license plate holders when nearly every State requires that the plate/lights not be obstructed. I know 99% of the time its not a problem but I don't want to be that 1% guy that gets pulled over when I am going on a vacation (kind of ruins the mood). And secondly if my vehicle gets stolen and the plates aren't visible it makes it harder to identify/recover. So that being said the Thule Easy fold covers most of the items I wanted except the tail lights. For some reason the non-US version comes with a nice set of functional tail lights (Thule refuses to sell these to anyone in the US). So I decided to just add my own lights and while I was at it I beefed up the license plate holder.
Stock rack very compact and light weight. But no tail lights.
I had some CF laying around that was the perfect size for the light mounts.
The bottom of the carrier is just a thin aluminum sheet, I removed it to run the wiring front to back.
Right side done.
Both side done.
Used a Curt tail light trailer kit which plugs into the stock hitch 4 pin plug.
Stock rack very compact and light weight. But no tail lights.
I had some CF laying around that was the perfect size for the light mounts.
The bottom of the carrier is just a thin aluminum sheet, I removed it to run the wiring front to back.
Right side done.
Both side done.
Used a Curt tail light trailer kit which plugs into the stock hitch 4 pin plug.