Throttle Grip Shape Alteration


New Member
New to this forum and have new XP trike < 100 miles for the wife. Found great info here about the settings that has been very helpful! We love the oblong handle grips, but find the round throttle shape makes it harder to use for very long, especially when wearing gloves. I found several throttle conversion threads here, but a search yields so many results I don't know if this hack has been motioned before or not. I am testing by placing a strip of foam on both the top and bottom of the throttle grip and wrapped it with tape to create an oblong shaped throttle grip. The goal it for it to fit the hand in the engaged position. Prototype-A has been a huge improvement and I am contemplating modifying the shape/placement/material of the lower strip to see if it could be thumb engaged, but not yet convinced enough to try. Hope this helps someone else and engages other engineers to add their improvement ideas. ...And if Lectric monitors this forum, I would suggest they test this out for future manufacturing.
Welcome to the forum!

There are two products that may help with your problem:




The first is a simple clip on "thumb" throttle adapter. The second is a clamp that lets you hold a set speed.

I prefer this slightly more expensive type that is a better fit for some oblong shaped twist throttle grips:


Hope this helps, and good luck with your project!
Thanks for the tips! Goes to show that you don't know what you don't know. Had I searched for Crampbuster instead of throttle... LOL. CrampBuster looks to be the type of thumb modification I was envisioning and will give one a try. I will play with cruise control on my XP before attempting an add on a throttle lock but found that looking at both on Amazon opened several suggestions to choose from.
I will play with cruise control on my XP before attempting an add on a throttle lock but found that looking at both on Amazon opened several suggestions to choose from.

I hated the built-in cruise control on my KT controller/display.

I had to hold the throttle perfectly steady for ~3 seconds for it to activate, and it was almost impossible to hold the throttle steady for 3 seconds (except for full throttle of course), and if I touched the brake (or the throttle too I think?) the cruise control would cancel, and I'd have to start over again.

I finally made my own throttle lock,..


The twisted piece of wire works as a speedometer now with 0 kph at the first line and 32 kph at the second line.

Keep in mind that you need to be careful.
I've got brake switches that kill the motor, but if I ever fall off my ebike it's just gonna keep going without me.😂