The ebike's cousin... electric skateboards


My wife actually found this so thanks to her I now I have a new delivery to eagerly anticipate. Surfing is my number one passion and living in Atlanta it's hard to pursue. After she saw how much I loved my Neo Carbon she knew I'd be head over heels over an electric skateboard. I have three regular boards, but didn't even know these existed. This beast can hit 28 mph! It's coming straight from Australia and should be here in about two weeks. I think it's the perfect mate to Neo. Now I really don't think I'll ever drive again.
That's awesome Magmir! I also love surfing, just be careful on those big electric hills... if you take a spill the concrete might not be as forgiving as the ocean ;)

evolve-electric-skateboard.jpg battery-on-electric-powered-skateboard.jpg

Evolve has done some amazing stuff, I discovered electric skateboards through Kickstarter recently. A friend actually launched a project there and it's amazing just how powerful and light weight these things can get! I was chatting about the Onewheel the other day and I like the idea of a larger smooth tire but something about carving with a traditional four wheel skateboard just seems right... especially since it lets you power slide and manual!

Other cool electric skateboards:
I actually looked at the Zboard and boosted for a while. I really like the zboard's controller-less setup, but didn't want to always have to lean forward to go. Plus it's kind of heavy. I think for pure transportation it would be the way to go, but felt like the other two options were better for mimicking surfing and the carve.

I love how the Boosted board uses a Loaded deck and how light it is. But for the 5-6 mile range that would've likely been my pick. I've seen the reviews start trickling in from the recent batch and people seem to really love the board.

I chose the evolve carbon series over the bamboo series due to the stronger brakes (safety!), higher top speed, integrated battery, and the long range of approx 25 miles. I also like the fact that I can swap the wheels for the all terrain setup. I think the motor placement would make manuals a risky proposition though. But it'll slide all day!
Can't wait to hear how you like it! Maybe your wife can take some pictures or video to share here :D
I remember watching a youtube clip a couple of years ago of guy riding a Stealth Bomber. Seeing this thread reminded me that, as he also made this video.

They are certainly fast and scary.

Sweet video Eddie! I wonder which board he was riding? I would have liked more shots of his feet and the wheels and stuff so I could interpret the system (maybe I missed it, was kind of skipping about). Neat city with lots of people, was fun to watch him pass bikes ;)
That Baja board looks like a ton of fun!!

I've had my board for two weeks now and love it. It's truly the most fun "toy" I've ever had and feels a lot like surfing. It's quite fast, faster than my Neo Carbon even. I like being able to swap the wheels and currently have regular longboard wheels on it, which are a hoot to stand up slide on (power slide). The bigger wheels are great though as they roll over everything (things that would immediately stop regular skate wheels). I've ordered the true off-road wheels for it and am excited to try that out.


Here is one of the places I go for my "endless wave"
The kickr looks really cool! Let us know how it is once you receive it.
Yeah! I'd love to hear how you like it JoePah :D Also, I'm in Florida right now, maybe we can connect. Are you around Sunday or early this week?

BTW, this was my favorite video, it kind of explains how the Kickr works but I'm still not sure I get it. He talks about not having a wired control... does it sense where you stand and how hard you push or something?

The kickr looks really cool! Let us know how it is once you receive it.
Don't want to fly under a false flag.. I just chipped in $25 to Kickr... At my age there's no way I'm hitting the pavement from a skateboard at 20 mph! lol
Yeah! I'd love to hear how you like it JoePah :D Also, I'm in Florida right now, maybe we can connect. Are you around Sunday or early this week?

BTW, this was my favorite video, it kind of explains how the Kickr works but I'm still not sure I get it. He talks about not having a wired control... does it sense where you stand and how hard you push or something?

Sure.. Let me know where you'll be this week.. I volunteer mondays but free after that. ;0
So no hand control? On or off configuration? Sounds frightening!
If you're talking aboutKickr, it has a cruise control where you kick up to speed then step on the throttle to set the speed... And the other mode is just accelerate to 20 mph then on off from there.
Interesting concept... I wonder what happens if you fall off? This was a big concern with snowboards (and the reason they have little leash things to attach to your boot). If a runaway skateboard hits the back of your leg it can sever the Achilles Tendon and that is no fun :confused:
There is another electric skateboard on Kickstarter, the Marbel.


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There is another electric skateboard on Kickstarter, the Marbel.

View attachment 1123

10 mile range, ~9 pound weight, $999 price and 20mph top speed with a smart phone app? Not bad! The Marbel has passed its funding goal and looks pretty sweet. I've tested a few scooters but no skateboards yet... I really enjoyed the EcoReco (also $999 and 20mph top speed with ~23 mile range but weighs 34lbs). For people who know how to balance the Marbel wold be lighter and more convenient to carry around than the EcoReco.
and there is yet another one in the early stages of development it seems, the Movpak, "an electric skateboard-like EV that fits into a backpack, and still leaves some room for carrying stuff."


From Gizmag: It can...

speed along at up to 15 mph (24 km/h) for up to 9 miles (14 km) before needing a recharge – which itself takes a couple of hours. Movpak measures 60 x 30 cm (24 x 12 in), weighs 7.7 kg (17 lb), and can also be pulled along like a luggage trolley. When in operation, the Movpak is steered like a skateboard (with the backpack sitting to the rear) and acceleration is controlled with a wireless controller that the company is still refining.
