Member Since 2014
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The automotive industry introduced the idea of multi-mode ebikes, controlled by geofencing, at Eirobike this year. Are riders ready for this?
September 15, 2021
Will we all be riding BMW, Volkswagen, GM and Ford ebikes one day?
Will Trek, Specialized and Haibike be squashed by the big boys of the automotive industry?
Is multi-mode the future for ebikes? All 3 classes/ebike & S-Ped all rolled into one.
Will Europe accept anything other than 25 mph (15.5 mph) on paths and lanes? Will the US accept 20/28 mph on paths and lanes?
Will geofencing be a reality, on a grand scale, in our time? Will the tech be accepted? Will it work as designed?
Would you buy an ebike that's geo controlled?
Any and all comments are welcome. This may not seem like a relevant topic today, but I think, given the money behind it, it will be soon.
September 15, 2021

Bike and automotive industries to lock horns on e-Bike regulations?
The bike and automotive industries appear to have different ideas on what the future e-bike regulations may look like, with dialogues from this month's IAA Mobi

Will we all be riding BMW, Volkswagen, GM and Ford ebikes one day?
Will Trek, Specialized and Haibike be squashed by the big boys of the automotive industry?
Is multi-mode the future for ebikes? All 3 classes/ebike & S-Ped all rolled into one.
Will Europe accept anything other than 25 mph (15.5 mph) on paths and lanes? Will the US accept 20/28 mph on paths and lanes?
Will geofencing be a reality, on a grand scale, in our time? Will the tech be accepted? Will it work as designed?
Would you buy an ebike that's geo controlled?
Any and all comments are welcome. This may not seem like a relevant topic today, but I think, given the money behind it, it will be soon.