Swapping to an IGH on the CCS?

Are you riding the CC, or CCS? There is a used CC on sale near me for $1000, I wonder if you have thoughts on whether it looks like a good deal? (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

I’m on the original Cross Current. That’s a good deal with only 500 miles on it if that XL frame fits you. Should come with the 500wh battery if he paid $1800 for it new. The Cross Current frames fit big so you’d probably need to be at least ~6’3” to fit the XL. I’m 5’9” and the M frame is almost too stretched out for me with a suspension seat post installed. You can upgrade the bike to the CCS power by installing these two parts:

(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
I’m on the original Cross Current. That’s a good deal with only 500 miles on it if that XL frame fits you. Should come with the 500wh battery if he paid $1800 for it new. The Cross Current frames fit big so you’d probably need to be at least ~6’3” to fit the XL. I’m 5’9” and the M frame is almost too stretched out for me with a suspension seat post installed. You can upgrade the bike to the CCS power by installing these two parts:

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(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
Ohh, dang. That's a bummer on the size, I'm only 6'1". Sounds like too much of a stretch. Thanks for commenting!
Hey all,

After poking around a bit, the Juiced CCS (maybe the CCX if I can talk my wife into the price difference) seems like a really great fit for me. I have a mostly flat, 20 mile one way commute, and am a 6'1", 165 lb biker. Looking to switch from doing a partial commute on an urban commuter style and taking the train into town to doing all on the ebike. The speed and accessories of the CCS seem like the best combo for the price and my needs.

The one thing I can't seem to get over, though, is that I would strongly prefer an IGH set up. My current bike has one, and for city commuting and reduced maintenance, I prefer an IGH over a rear derailleur. My alternative to the CCS if I do stick to IGH seems to be DIYing a front hub, probably a Jubilee 8 from bikesdirect, with something from Grin.

Can anyone tell me (as someone who is a novice biker):
  1. Should I should stick to my preference for IGH?
  2. Do IGH/gearing ratios in general matter when talking about ebikes? (my test ride made the gears feel somewhat of a secondary concern)
  3. Is the CCS is so great I should just get over myself?
Well, I rode my EG Zurich 350IX ebike for 8400+ miles. It had a 7 speed Nexus Hub and a 350 watt front hub motor. I had decided to upgrade the 7-speed Nexus IGH to an 8-speed Nexus, when in the process of tear down I discovered the Zurich Frame had cracks where the down-tube, seat-tube, and bottom bracket are joined. The bike and the 7 speed IGH served me well, but rather than re-weld the cracked frame I've decided to upgrade and replace the bike with a Juiced CCX.

From personal experience and all I have read, it seems that the 8 speed Nexus IGH is ideal for use on ebikes propelled with front hub motors, or a lower wattage (250-350 watt) mid-drive set-up.
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