Suggested frames and beginning materials


New Member
Hello sirs,

I have tried to search for other peoples suggestions, but was not able to find reliable recommendations.

I have an X1 Pro Gen1 system coming this summer and I would like feedback or comments on a suitably reliable frame for this motor combo. I have talked to a few folks from my local bike club who suggested going with a Specialized Fat Boy as that fits my size and intended riding preference. That is, a 200 lbs 5 ft 7" male. Others have also commented that the Fat Boy's frame would hold up to the stress and flex of the X1 Pro, warts and all. At a neighboring town LBS, however, they suggested a Salsa Beargrease frameset, which seems more common for custom builds. My hope is for this bike and motor combo to be used on mountain trails, some light snowy trails, and in nicer weather for allowed beach riding. If you have any insights or comments on other suitably reliable frames that might perform well with an X1 Pro Gen1, I would really appreciate hearing your thoughts. Thank you.
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