Stromer ST2 Pulsing (Please vote)

Does your Stromer "pulse" when peddling at a constant speed, on a flat surface, in Mode 3?

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I've completed two 54 mile commutes on the Turbo X. I've had a Thudbuster on another bike, and I think I like the spring loaded and bushing dampened one on the X more. Really impressed with the new Turbo X (2016). I'll post more about it in a different thread.

I would love to know how the Mission Control App works for you when you get a chance. Safe riding, enjoy!
Hi Ron,
I haven't used the Mission Control App. I know about it, and thought I'd find it useful for determining the best ECO settings for my 28 mile (one-way) commute. However, I've found that I can ride a sustained 20-21 mph in the ECO 50% setting and arrive at work with 38-42% of charge remaining. I'm very impressed the efficiency (charge remaining). I didn't expect it to be this good.
on my bike I have found that when my real wheel is loose it does this spazzy riding. I had a noise yesterday, my brakes making noise, found out my wheel was loose. went home stuck and allen wrench in it to tighten , it was at least 3/4 turn loose if not 1 and 1/4 (cant remember). Tightened the wheel, felt the side to side looseness gone. Went for a test ride and found the bike had never run better! the surge completely disappeared! in 5700 miles I have a ridden with the wheel out of adjustment (one way or another I guess) for over 5ooo miles, very frustrating and yet extremely, maybe even very extremely happy to have a such a great bike now
I think you experienced this in assist 3. Am I right?
This happens mostly when you're on higher assist levels and your cadence is not high enough to maintain steady strain. Now, once you understand this nuance, you can easily maintain 27mph for long stretches without experiencing this pulsing.
If you can wait for few days, I'll upload some nice videos.

For me reducing the torque sensitivity fixed the issue. 86andstillkicking showed me that trick the first day I got my ST2. I still notice a very slight pulsing, today the wind got me and I went to 3 after being beaten down for 25 miles at 2 against the wind. Pretty sure my legs were recovering and not at usual cadence.
Thanks for this!!!

I bought the St1x (I know... ages after this question was first posted!) and since it is still a new bike, figured I had to look to similar issues in the ST2 and voila - here's your discussion!

I am glad you posted the screenshot because from reading the Stromer response, I thought I had to turn the agility setting way to the left - but its actually way to the right.

That resolved the pulsing issue on my St1x.

Now... My issues is there is this one gentle incline on my commute, where the power just gradually fades - I do not get continual assist going up the hill. Doesn't matter if I am in Mode 1, 2 or 3 - I am DIEING by the time I get to the hill and changing modes, gears, braking and stopping and rebooting does not seem to reset whatever is going on... Back to the forums now to see who has this problem and how was it resolved!

Good news. I took the Stromer ST2 that had been adjusted with the iPhone app to maximize agility and that almost completely eliminated the pulsing. I say almost because when on a flat road at top speed I could still feel it, but not to any degree that annoyed me. When going up an incline I could not detect it at all. I've attached the screen of the app where these settings are.

Note you can also set the top speed and the torque both of which I set to maximum. These settings affect Mode 2 and consequently its not longer as eco friendly.

But the most important things are:
  1. There definitely is a problem with pulsing in mode 3 of the Stromer St2.
  2. Not everyone believes its a problem (see the poll) results so far.
  3. Stromer considers this pulsing "normal" behavior.
  4. You can almost completely eliminate it with the iPhone app settings.
  5. I have no clue why Stromer makes fixing this so obscure or why even dealers are not aware of it.
I'm buying this eBike!

Thanks for everyone's participation. I hope you all learned something from it.


At the risk of reopening a long thread with a bit of controversy, I thought I would share a recent pulsing experience. I started to experience pulsing on my daily commute, so I turned up the settings on my ST2 as suggested by others in these posts. That didn't work. Then I observed that pulsing only happened during my ride, not at the beginning after the bike had been sitting. Brake levers seemed fine. Upon closer inspection, though, I noticed the left brake lever wasn't as crisp as the right. After applying a light lubricant to the relevant points, I had a crisp brake lever and no more pulsing. In my case, it was an imperceptible activation of the brake sensor that caused the pulsing. Lesson learned--when you ride in rain, lubricate more often.
I posted on another thread and forgot to add my 2c worth. I went back to my dealer and complained about the pulsing issue. A day later they got back to me and told me to reset the Torque sensor which you do by going into the menu settings in the console built into the ST1x (and presumably ST2), tap on 'Bike' and then 'Torque' and follow the instructions for resetting the Torque sensor (which seem to entail sitting on your bike with no hands on brakes or feet on pedals and tapping the reset button on the console display while hoping you don't tip off the bike).
I did that 2 months ago and have not had any pulsing issues since.
Well.. Almost... For some reason tapping boost mode will make my Torque sensor go out of alignment and pulsing will start again. However, I reset it and the pulsing issue goes away. I try not to ever hit the boost mode (it's so unnecessary anyway...) but I do sometimes accidentally hit it when I'm trying to engage regen on a steep descent and I don't look to see if I'm pressing the '+' or '-' button on the handlebars...

At the risk of reopening a long thread with a bit of controversy, I thought I would share a recent pulsing experience. I started to experience pulsing on my daily commute, so I turned up the settings on my ST2 as suggested by others in these posts. That didn't work. Then I observed that pulsing only happened during my ride, not at the beginning after the bike had been sitting. Brake levers seemed fine. Upon closer inspection, though, I noticed the left brake lever wasn't as crisp as the right. After applying a light lubricant to the relevant points, I had a crisp brake lever and no more pulsing. In my case, it was an imperceptible activation of the brake sensor that caused the pulsing. Lesson learned--when you ride in rain, lubricate more often.