I have put about 350 miles on the bike after about 6 weeks of ownership. The bike serves as a commuter vehicle about 2-4 times per week. Some days I just drive my car/truck to work (especially if I have something big to pick up or drop off, or poor weather). I also run 75% of my errands around town on the ST2, including 25 mile round trips to and from a weekly Ultimate Frisbee game. The Stromer has me thinking of offing my previous errand vehicle. I only ride in power mode 3 (yes max assist).
I have owned a 1999 Honda Elite 80 scooter for about the last 5 years and I have not ridden it once since I got the ST2. It is 50cc and will get up to about 38-40mph on flat ground. Neither can be driven on the highway so it makes more sense for me to simply take the Stromer as I am able to use bike lanes and roll through 4 ways like any other cyclist. Speaking of other cyclists….
My encounters with other cyclists have been more positive than I anticipated. In fact, most are extremely curious about the ST2 rather than the apparent disdain and disgust that they seem to have for guys on the 49cc China Girl, BroPeds. I have not come upon a road bike rider that I haven't been able to easily pass. Many times they'll catch up at the next stoplight and I try to be as polite and engauging as possible. I figure, he thinks he's a purist and I am not for riding an e-bike. While I think that since we both paid around $7,000 for our bikes he's the Luddite.

If I have time, I allow anybody who comes up to me and ask about it to "take it for a spin." This may seem risky but they usually never leave my sight and I do take comfort in the fact that; via the Stromer app I know where the bike is at all time (not to mention the ability to lock the rear hub at moments notice). Every now and then I run into another Stromer owner yet we never really seem to talk, just a silent hat tip and a mention of him mentioning he saw me a few times to the local Stromer dealer.
Speaking of the App/Omni, it is getting better and more responsive with each update. I now have access to Imperial Units of measure and my request for function changes seem to be faster and smoother. I will say though that taking your eyes off the road to read a speed or distance on the Omni is still very dodgy at best (especially at 28mph). My initial impression that the ST1 had a safer placement of the display hold more conviction than ever. For whatever reason I like to constantly know my speed and use the max regen for braking on hills.
Selectable regen is something I use 1-2 per ride while going down hill. By hold the minus selector switch next to the right handgrip you are able to select 5 levels of regenerative braking power. When going down a steep hill I will click down to max regen and allow gravity to pour 15 amp hours back into the battery (unless you are at full charge). Regardless of the power recuperation, I like that it can slow or stop you without a brake pad ever touching a disc.
One of best mods in my opinion, is the "rider mod." Meaning actually knowing how to ride a hard tale bike at higher speeds. Things like relaxing your grip on the bars over rough terrain, looking ahead to pic the smoothest available line and standing up at the correct times. While I do have a body float suspension seat post, it does not convert your solid suspension bike to a full suspension bike. You are talking about an inch of travel at the most, you must learn through seat time how to ride a powered hard tail. Speaking of power..
When I leave an intersection I am faster than most cars to 28 mph, having said that, your relationship with cars changes on an powerful e-bike. On a 25 mph rode you will have the option and power to pass many of the cars. When a typical driver passes a typical cyclist it is more of a relief in that, the driver no longer has to concern himself with a slow but moving (and somewhat unpredictable) obstacle. On a typical 25 or 30mph speed limited road some will simply choose to follow you while some would rather pass and have the stressor behind them. When you pass a car they don't know the are being passed because on you almost never get passed on the right while moving and never by a cyclist. For this reason I am a big fan of using the Stromers LED daytime running light as intend and ride as defensively as possible.
Lastly, reliability up to this point has been nothing short of perfect, I have not had one issue with the bike. I leave my charger at work so I only need to charge it 2 or 3x per week and it just fires up and doe what its supposed to. My ST2 never leaves the biggest front chainring as I do not see the point of doing so. Ive not yet been able to kill my battery either and I don't know that Id want to sit on a bike long enough to kill the ST2 Battery.
One last thing that I am hesitant to mention is that I actually jump my ST2 a few times a week. On the raised, paved bike path to work there is a break in the path for a road that sits about 12 inches below the path. The path goes down 1 foot in elevation followed by about 15 feet of flat rode followed by a rather steep 1 ft incline \____________________/ returning the path to its original elevation. Going 28mph I am able to get both wheels about 10-12 inches off the ground (If I had to guess). The bike is surprisingly neutral in air and there is definitely a gyroscopic effect of the hub motor which seems to keep the bike pointed straight with no lean. Just thought Id put this in here someplace as in case one somebody is being chased by zombies and didn't want to slow down for a short steep incline.
My only complaint would probably be price, as the ST1 will get me to and from my commute in the same time and manner as the ST2. If you recall I originally purchased an ST1 but the wrong frame size came in so I bought the ST2 floor model instead. I am happy with my purchase and the anti theft /tracking features on the ST2 are great. However if you can do without the bells and whistles the ST1 is a much better value, especially if your over 40 and actually uses your cell phone for little else other than phone calls buy the ST1.
ST2 Wishlist:
-20mph boost mode (up from 12mph)
-option of 30-33 mph top speed (up from 28)
-In App course tracking via Omni, so I can compare my times on same routes.
While these may seem trivial, I think it would make better use of the extra battery capacity that I many do not use on daily basis. It is clear that the battery size and motor capabilities are up for task so it would simply be a small firmware change.
Post up if you have any specific questions that I may be able to help with. I haven't been very active as of late on here because Id rather ride than talk about riding. Also I think it'd be cool if we did some kind of group e-bike ride for people near each other. Im thinking SeaWorld to Carlsbad and with a nice arrival meal catered by Stromer USA in Carlsbad.