I purchased this demo bike in Jan 2008. At first, when I had this bike I could not charge it up to 100%. I then called the dealer and they said it was the charger and they gave me a new one which seem to work at first. A few days ago I took out my Stormer for a ride with 74% still left on the battery but it quit on me about a mile away with the words in the display flashing "NO BATTERY". So I called the dealer again and while waiting for my new display to arrive I thought I would charge the battery up off the bike but when the charger turned off there was still a red light not green light and so I checked it with my multimeter and it now only shows only a total of 41.5 Volts....and no ticks on the battery in the display. So is it my display malfunctioning or do I have a bad battery or both? thanks for any input you can give me on this situation.