ST2 owner checking in

Found a route that cut short my commute distance from ~ 31 miles to 26 miles (from 62 to 52 mil roundtrip)
This route is beautiful and has ample shoulder room where I ride most of the time. Fresh air, fun, workout and commute all rolled into one package.

I arrive at work with 55% battery left. More info here on the Strava page specifically dedicated to document my rides on ST2:

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Thanks for sharing. I wanted to ask if you are now riding in #2 mode? If so did you play with the factory settings on the app?
Thanks for sharing. I wanted to ask if you are now riding in #2 mode? If so did you play with the factory settings on the app?

Yes. That's the mode I use 90% of the time. I did play with the app settings and found that maintaining a cruising speed of ~23mph is easy on the battery and comfortable enough for my cadence.
I will attach a screenshot if the app lets me.
Yes. That's the mode I use 90% of the time. I did play with the app settings and found that maintaining a cruising speed of ~23mph is easy on the battery and comfortable enough for my cadence.
I will attach a screenshot if the app lets me.
what setting are you using?
Thanks Ravi, that would be very helpful. I wish there was a better guide for helping you on the settings. But, 1/2 the fun is playing around too.
In hindsight, I can say this past week has been a whole new experience. I have picked out a route that is beautiful (Annapolis is a beautiful city in MD).
I have noticed I sleep really deeply which is something I have missed for the last few years. My cardio is in excellent shape. When I get to work, my mind is clear. Suddenly, I don't feel the urge to check my Facebook every 10 minutes or watch random Youtube videos.
The week previous to that, my legs were sore, muscle cramps etc but the body has quickly adjusted to the new regimen. Loving it while the weather permits
Very grateful that life has allowed me to experience this and good health.
[Me in front of my office at the US Naval Academy campus]

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I found your post of your recent
Well, I picked up a beautiful white ST2 at the NYC launch event, yesterday.
Due to some logistics issue, I couldn't bring it home the very same day but it should be here in a few days.

Thanks to @Crazy Lenny Ebikes and Stromer USA, who are co-sponsoring my adventures on ST2 this summer. We have some exciting tours coming up.

Here is a slightly blurry pic. Will be uploading some high-res shots on my webpage.

View attachment 2533
I found the post of your recent buy...big congrats, no need to reply on pm.

I , and others will follow your posts with interest.

It seemed like everything was going toward mid-drives. On some level, mid-drive seems like it would be more efficient because the loads can be matched by shifting gears. But maybe this rear hub is beefy enough to remain efficient in most situations. (Does Tesla use gears?) It's a very intriguing bike. I think bigger batteries are the future, anyway. Ebikes are amazingly efficient. Is there any obvious downside to the dd rear hub? Weight distribution?

Hopefully we'll get some real life hard riding comps of the ST2 and some of the other high end stuff, especially the mid-drives. Tech always filters down. I just have to wait a couple of years.:D Have fun. Dang, I know I would!

Mid drives have surged in the market the past 2-3 years. Hubs are simpler and cheaper and great for cruising flats and rolling hills - just as efficient as middies, and less noise. One negative is the weight in the wheel. It just can't be avoided. Having full suspension can help, but adds weight and loses stiffness. ddHubs are suppose to last.

This ST2 is a new level, IMO. I recently saw Court's post and utubed a couple videos. The controller is separate, so better thermal performance, meaning more power-speed. It is also lighter, and more efficient *I think*.

Other BIG changes - 48V and 17ahr batter, 816 Whrs! Only the Optibike/Stealth series has more (that I am aware of).

Are bigger batteries are now the future? They always were. With all the excellent, new ebikes averaging 36V, 10Ahr offerings, it was a matter of time before people realize that such bikes are range limited. For many, that is fine, but for explorers and commuters, it is not... especially if you want more speed and power to get there faster.

Finally, the rear through axel is awesome. I would like to see a close up pic of that wheel pulled out. This makes hub maintenance 3x easier and a big +, IMO.

Standard fenders, rack, lights? Wow! They look integrated and classy.

Programmable performance... nuff said!

Just a few thoughts.

Congrats again Ravi!
his ST2 is a new level, IMO. I recently saw Court's post and utubed a couple videos. The controller is separate, so better thermal performance, meaning more power-speed. It is also lighter, and more efficient *I think*.

Other BIG changes - 48V and 17ahr batter, 816 Whrs! Only the Optibike/Stealth series has more (that I am aware of).

Are bigger batteries are now the future? They always were. With all the excellent, new ebikes averaging 36V, 10Ahr offerings, it was a matter of time before people realize that such bikes are range limited. For many, that is fine, but for explorers and commuters, it is not... especially if you want more speed and power to get there faster.

Finally, the rear through axel is awesome. I would like to see a close up pic of that wheel pulled out. This makes hub maintenance 3x easier and a big +, IMO.

Standard fenders, rack, lights? Wow! They look integrated and classy.

Programmable performance... nuff said!

Just a few thoughts.

Congrats again Ravi!

Thanks, Dan.
I wish I had taken few pictures when I did the flat repair. I have read extensively about the problems with Stromer Sport, ST1 platinum etc but my experience has been only positive so far.
The regen on this bike excellent and whatever efficiency I lose in climbing, part of it restored in the descent.
You're right. Long range batteries are the future. Certain sections of my commute almost feels like "runners high".
Yes, there are some limitations concerning the weight, balance etc., but integration is top notch and as a long distance commuter, this thing is perfect.
Let's meetup on a Sunday and go for brunch at Bombay Club. Perhaps, @eDean and @opimax could join in too.
Always happy to meet and ride. Ravi,last night i went pretty hard for me avg 21 in full power mode , mile marker 7-30 and back on the W&OD trail . I don't think I will keep up w/you anymore :) . Try the same thing and see what you can do. then lets switch bikes and try :) :)

Used 2.5 gold batteries worth of juice.
My Road-bike-Falco roadster is not in commission yet.... and committed weekend. I'll get back to you for a make up. I have mucho family obligations these days, but I'll find time for a ride and check out the ST2.

The programmable controls look fascination. I am doing a similar function with my Falco hub, but I use a computer and wi fi stick rather than an APP. Plus, I reprogram constants, which are less predictable. Does the ST2 have an instantaneous power out function? That would show the peak power the controller allows during acceleration, and average power during cruising.

So, how does the ST2 compare to your emotion Jumper? Ride quality, top speed, acceleration, handling, braking, user interface, components, reliability?
My Road-bike-Falco roadster is not in commission yet.... and committed weekend. I'll get back to you for a make up. I have mucho family obligations these days, but I'll find time for a ride and check out the ST2.

The programmable controls look fascination. I am doing a similar function with my Falco hub, but I use a computer and wi fi stick rather than an APP. Plus, I reprogram constants, which are less predictable. Does the ST2 have an instantaneous power out function? That would show the peak power the controller allows during acceleration, and average power during cruising.

So, how does the ST2 compare to your emotion Jumper? Ride quality, top speed, acceleration, handling, braking, user interface, components, reliability?


It's too early to comment on the components/reliability but I'm taking very good care and hoping it would last couple of years. Neo Jumper is a very different bike altogether. I miss that level of comfort on ST2.
I'm happy to let you ride the bike and test it out for yourself when we meet.
Ravi, My front brake is giving me issues still, wont hold pressure probably need to get some part replaced, where can i go in our area for warranty repair?
We had cherry blossom and Sakura Matsuri festival in DC about a week ago.

Few images from that weekend.

Cherry Blossom visit.JPG

Cherry blossom visit 1.JPG
Yes. That's the mode I use 90% of the time. I did play with the app settings and found that maintaining a cruising speed of ~23mph is easy on the battery and comfortable enough for my cadence.
I will attach a screenshot if the app lets me.
Any idea how many amps are being drawn at 23mph? How did you determine it is easier on the battery?

Also, are you charging at work, or riding back on one charge for the day?
In hindsight, I can say this past week has been a whole new experience. I have picked out a route that is beautiful (Annapolis is a beautiful city in MD).
I have noticed I sleep really deeply which is something I have missed for the last few years. My cardio is in excellent shape. When I get to work, my mind is clear. Suddenly, I don't feel the urge to check my Facebook every 10 minutes or watch random Youtube videos.
The week previous to that, my legs were sore, muscle cramps etc but the body has quickly adjusted to the new regimen. Loving it while the weather permits
Very grateful that life has allowed me to experience this and good health.
[Me in front of my office at the US Naval Academy campus]

View attachment 2674
Hi Ravi,

Can you post a link to your route via GPS? I have a Garmin that allows me to post the detailed route and give good speed/ave details.
Since I live near Laurel, I'm curious about your route.

Any idea how many amps are being drawn at 23mph? How did you determine it is easier on the battery?

Also, are you charging at work, or riding back on one charge for the day?

Unlike, CA, the OMNI doesn't provide the Amp draw at any instant.
What I see on my ~28 mile commute is the battery remains at 50-55% (at destination) averaging ~20mph. I charge at work and the charges pumps at 53V, 4.5A which makes a lot of difference for a battery of this size. So, 814Whr battery, 28 mile ride draws 814/2 = 407 Whr.
407 Whr for 28 mile roughly gives 14.5 Whr/mile which is not bad for that speed.

Hi Ravi,

Can you post a link to your route via GPS? I have a Garmin that allows me to post the detailed route and give good speed/ave details.
Since I live near Laurel, I'm curious about your route.


I don't turn on Strava every time but I did last week.
Unlike, CA, the OMNI doesn't provide the Amp draw at any instant.
What I see on my ~28 mile commute is the battery remains at 50-55% (at destination) averaging ~20mph. I charge at work and the charges pumps at 53V, 4.5A which makes a lot of difference for a battery of this size. So, 814Whr battery, 28 mile ride draws 814/2 = 407 Whr.
407 Whr for 28 mile roughly gives 14.5 Whr/mile which is not bad for that speed.

I don't turn on Strava every time but I did last week.
How long was that 407whr commute? Thus W-hr/hr = average watts I would expect you to be in the 300W average range.