I have an ST2 bike that has been sitting in the garage for a few years. My brother bought it and had some issues which the local strohmer dealer could not fix after a few trials. The bike was bought used from the dealer. The bike has less than 100 miles on it. The issue is the when pedal in any gear, i get an error code 210280. Something about drive speed error may be. Given the age of the bike, and it was bought used even through the dealer, I am not sure what to do now. I checked the basic 20N-m torque, recalibrate TNM4, check connectors... All seem ok. but this error will disable pedal assist rendering the bike non-usable in this mode. Then the only way to restart is to stop the bike, shut off the unit, and turn back on again. The fault seems to be consistent but not depending on starting or running.
1. Has anyone seen this error before? any suggestions.
2. The ST2 hub motor, does it have any electronics in it or only on the controller board.
3. If I need to purchase a controller board, where would I purchase it. Should i replace the controller or motor? both are expensive.
4. How does the drive infer a speed, is there a speed sensor that may be causing an issue?
We have about 4K invested in this bike and would like to try and fix it. Any assistance you can render would be most appreciated.
I have an ST2 bike that has been sitting in the garage for a few years. My brother bought it and had some issues which the local strohmer dealer could not fix after a few trials. The bike was bought used from the dealer. The bike has less than 100 miles on it. The issue is the when pedal in any gear, i get an error code 210280. Something about drive speed error may be. Given the age of the bike, and it was bought used even through the dealer, I am not sure what to do now. I checked the basic 20N-m torque, recalibrate TNM4, check connectors... All seem ok. but this error will disable pedal assist rendering the bike non-usable in this mode. Then the only way to restart is to stop the bike, shut off the unit, and turn back on again. The fault seems to be consistent but not depending on starting or running.
1. Has anyone seen this error before? any suggestions.
2. The ST2 hub motor, does it have any electronics in it or only on the controller board.
3. If I need to purchase a controller board, where would I purchase it. Should i replace the controller or motor? both are expensive.
4. How does the drive infer a speed, is there a speed sensor that may be causing an issue?
We have about 4K invested in this bike and would like to try and fix it. Any assistance you can render would be most appreciated.