St2 creaks


anyone having creaks. Sound like mine are coming from seat post but can't tell. Any suggestions
Creaks on bicycles often come from spokes, but if you say the seat area you should make sure all fasteners on the bike are tightened to proper torque specs. That's something you want to do on a fairly regular basis anyway.

Most bikes will make some noise, it's just the nature of the beast.
Mine makes a few creaks when transitioning from applied power to heavy regen, or visa versa.

P.s. I have the brake regen set to max.
Do you have a special seat post? My LT Thudbuster was making sharp cracking and popping sounds. A new Thudbuster solved the popping sounds. My rebuild kit arrived yesterday for the old one. Post 31.6 matches my Scott Hybrid so Ill see how that is with my 20 yr. Ideale saddle.
You can try to ride the bike standing up. If you don't hear any creaks, then it possibly comes from the seatpost. If that is the case, I would recommend to re-grease the seatpost and that might solve it.
both of our Thud busters, the seats slides forward or back (cant remember which way) while riding, makes a creak or clack sound even though pretty tight on the allen set screws too. So in our case it wasn't the seat post but the seat . either way standing up will tell you if it comes from the seat area
You can try to ride the bike standing up. If you don't hear any creaks, then it possibly comes from the seatpost. If that is the case, I would recommend to re-grease the seatpost and that might solve it.
...and if that doesn't make a difference and the rhythm of the creaks depends on the speed, it's probably the spokes.

I try to do all the maintenance (except electronics of course) myself and found out that I'm too tone deaf to adjust spoke tension by ear, so I got a Park Tool TM-1. Now I can eliminate spoke creaking pretty easily.