Sparta carbon

Are you a marketer for this company? This bike comes straight from China via Aliexpress, I wouldn't believe all of the claims made by eastgem, the manufacturer.
Any reason not to believe the claims , you know something I don't? and no I'm not a dealer....
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Past history of Aliexpress, think of this this from the forum and its members who have been around. A noob posted about a new bike no one else posted about that almost walks on water for the price of a regular bike...suspect at best , much less no history to call it bullet proof

Welcome thanks for pointing out new bike !
Its cool. I have searched around looking for reviews for the bike, nothing exists. It's either to new on the market, or only known in Europe.
If it is too hard to get info how will you get support , usually not as easy to find. I have main stream bikes and have needed their support than I would have thought and hoped for . I am happy support has been decent to awesome and even getting better. Something pushes the envelope on performance the way this can would concern me even more.

The other side of this is how to get the performance you want when it isnt that easy to find. There may be a good reason the original Stealth is so expensive , risks you must decide.
Well I would hope for support, having spoke to the sales rep, he has been good with videos he took himself during the building process, and answers any questions I had, so far so good. But its the reviews I was interested in, virtually nonexistent, thus my theory that its relatively new to the market.