Spark Bolt, wet weather problems


New Member
Anyone on the west coast or in wet weather had problems with the Bolt? I find the motor cuts out at odd times, even when it's just damp-not-raining. The throttle doesn't work, and/or pedal assist doesn't kick in. Any ideas on how to solve the problem?
I used ACF-50 on every connection and sprayed it into every electrical part available. I then sealed the connections, display, lights, etc. with JBWeld silicone gasket sealant as per advice, but that part was not good advice because it contains a corrosive acid...good thing I already applied the ACF 50. Use liquid electrical tape to seal everything instead.
The Bolt has a controller box, if I might take protective measures on that particular bit. Info is available on that so water doesn't accumulate inside.
I didn't ACF-50 protect the battery inside parts yet, just the outside electrical connections

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I used ACF-50 on every connection and sprayed it into every electrical part available. I then sealed the connections, display, lights, etc. with JBWeld silicone gasket sealant as per advice, but that part was not good advice because it contains a corrosive acid...good thing I already applied the ACF 50. Use liquid electrical tape to seal everything instead.
The Bolt has a controller box, if I might take protective measures on that particular bit. Info is available on that so water doesn't accumulate inside.
I didn't ACF-50 protect the battery inside parts yet, just the outside electrical connections

Many thanks, Handlebars! I've never heard of the stuff so the vid helped. The controller box is indeed in a ridiculous spot, between the crank arms, and has a hole facing forwards and one facing backwards. So far I've just duct taped the hole over... Not going to be adequate for the next 5 months of rain 🙈
Many thanks, Handlebars! I've never heard of the stuff so the vid helped. The controller box is indeed in a ridiculous spot, between the crank arms, and has a hole facing forwards and one facing backwards. So far I've just duct taped the hole over... Not going to be adequate for the next 5 months of rain 🙈
Where would I find that info on protecting the controller?
Info I have read goes like this: no holes on top of controller box. Wires go up through from below. Put a drip loop on the wires so water doesn't travel into the box along the wires.
They say not to seal the box, let water drain. If you spray the ACF-50 all inside it, that'll protect it from the water. Repeat every so often.

Brilliant! Sent a msg to my sis who rides Harleys, and I'll look for it. Wish I'd heard this sooner- I'm sure the controller box is full of damp leaves and road dirt 🙈 Time for a clean!
Since I had the battery case open I sprayed lots of ACF-50 inside there and rotated it and tilted it every so often for an hour to get everything covered.
I've read several accounts of ebike revival by drying out everything, and I haven't read any accounts of bike being really dead from freshwater soaking. A guy in Montreal changed his controller, but maybe he didn't need to.
🤞 L'il bike is in at the Spark office, tech is supposed to be putting in a waterproof controller. ACF-50 will arrive next week, which I will apply in the controller box and to all connections asap.
I'm now wondering if it's safe to fill the holes in the front and back of the controller box with that silicone goo that plumbers use, to prevent road dirt and water entering as easily.... think it might cause overheating? Or any other problems?
I've got the Spark Mini, which is essentially the fat tire brother to the Bolt.

If you're feeling handy enough, you can even open up the display and apply ACF 50 there, or get a clear plastic baggie to wrap around it and the power/PAS buttons.

The C965 display and control pad on our bikes isn't the best for weather resistance. I've seen a few threads/videos about it being a bit more condensation prone than others, and if the display has problems, it can lead to thinks like the motor cutting out.

My guess is because the display is in between the buttons and the controller in the wiring chain, so is the "weak link".