I have 2 new Leisure Steps and noticed something the first time I charged up the 2 batteries. One charged up and the charger shut off automatically. The indicator on the battery said full so I didn’t think any about it. The other battery charged up, but the charger didn’t shut off automatically and that indicator read full as well. I’m charging that one again and it isn’t shutting off with the battery showing full.
Which of the 2 is supposed to happen??
Also, the information for this may well have been on the instructions with the chargers, but I mistakenly trashed them when I was cleaning up all the crap from the boxes. Totally my bad.
Which of the 2 is supposed to happen??
Also, the information for this may well have been on the instructions with the chargers, but I mistakenly trashed them when I was cleaning up all the crap from the boxes. Totally my bad.