Shipping Lectric XP

If they are getting so many orders why can't they have sufficient stock. I ordered on 25th May and the money has been taken out of my account the same day. If they hold the money and ship the bike after 4-5 weeks delay it is not FAIR. Not the right way to do business. It looks like they use our money to purchase and when the item is delivered to them they reship the order. Unfair business practice.....
If they are getting so many orders why can't they have sufficient stock. I ordered on 25th May and the money has been taken out of my account the same day. If they hold the money and ship the bike after 4-5 weeks delay it is not FAIR. Not the right way to do business. It looks like they use our money to purchase and when the item is delivered to them they reship the order. Unfair business practice.....
While I do not condone their business practices, it is pretty common for direct to consumer bike companies to do this. They wait until they can order so many bikes from China then order in bulk to save on shipping costs. If you happen to be early in the order process you wait the longest.
You can always cancel the order before they ship it and get a full refund. Take that money and go to the nearest local e bike shop and pick one up same day. Are you going to pay more? Yes. Sucks but that's how it is these days.

On a side note, my bike finally came yesterday evening. Thankfully no damage from shipping. 20200526_202728.jpg20200526_202733.jpg20200526_202741.jpg20200526_202738.jpg
I will wait till 28th June (giving them close to 30 days). If not received will cancel the order.

With respect, a little more patience and you would make it to the finish line... Cancelling your order after potentially waiting 30 days, paying more elsewhere, what will that accomplish? Lectric is very upfront that when you pay you are on the pre-order for next month.

It is apparent that at least some, if not all, of the March orders got lumped in with the April orders as we are receiving them at the same time. I would give Lectric the benefit of the doubt here as the pandemic most likely played a part in that.

I'm thinking that orders are back on track now.
They are not a startup company. They have sold close to 14000 bikes which amounts to 14M. They should have enough cash reserve to order in advance and meet customer demand.

If March order is being shipped now - I should cancel the order right away. Not worth waiting for the delivery to happen in Aug or Sep.
They are not a startup company. They have sold close to 14000 bikes which amounts to 14M. They should have enough cash reserve to order in advance and meet customer demand.

If March order is being shipped now - I should cancel the order right away. Not worth waiting for the delivery to happen in Aug or Sep.
That's what this thread is for I think. To give prospective buyers a good idea of what to expect before they part with their money. Glad it made a difference for you and hope you find something that meets your needs.
(Newbie here) thanks for the add guys. Just received my Lectric XP I ordered on April 11th yesterday. Just a little over a month and it was shipped and here (Virginia) in five days. That’s interesting some of you April or even earlier orders haven’t gotten them or even confirmation.
Hopefully this sheds some light for people who ordered last month And are still eagerly waiting. It’s worth the wait I promise. I rode the bike for hours first thing yesterday. Thanks again I look forward to learning a ton as this is my first e bike.
I don't understand their shipping process. It should be first come first serve as we call it in accounting FIFO (First In First Out)
I wrote email yesterday to get clarification on shipping process. They replied as of this month they are shipping all the orders submitted till 24th May 2020. Unfortunately my order was on 25th May. I may have to wait for some time to get the bike delivered.
They probably told you this right after you ordered as did all of us. I ordered on may 5, and on may 5 they emailed me that my order will be shipped between June 2-20th.

I wrote email yesterday to get clarification on shipping process. They replied as of this month they are shipping all the orders submitted till 24th May 2020. Unfortunately my order was on 25th May. I may have to wait for some time to get the bike delivered.
I will probably ask them again today when the order will be shipped. Anything longer than 30 days - I will cancel the order.