shifting down under strain on Prodigy


New Member
hi. Living in the northern California hills riding my very new Prodigy (magnificent beast!) -- I've discovered that the motor temporarily CUTS OUT when I try to shift down under duress, such as a hill. This is my fourth ebike in as many years that I've been riding in the hills, but THIS one cuts out the pedal assist for a few seconds when I downshift on a hill. Hmmmm. This bike is perfection itself except for this one issue. I used to race in my ill-spent youth, so I know about chains breaking under duress. However, you would think Ride1Up would allow me to make up my own mind about negotating a hill.
SO, is there a way to disable this cut-out?
hi. Living in the northern California hills riding my very new Prodigy (magnificent beast!) -- I've discovered that the motor temporarily CUTS OUT when I try to shift down under duress, such as a hill. This is my fourth ebike in as many years that I've been riding in the hills, but THIS one cuts out the pedal assist for a few seconds when I downshift on a hill. Hmmmm. This bike is perfection itself except for this one issue. I used to race in my ill-spent youth, so I know about chains breaking under duress. However, you would think Ride1Up would allow me to make up my own mind about negotating a hill.
SO, is there a way to disable this cut-out?
The bike has a gear shift sensor that cuts power when shifting up or down, I am sure that you could disconnect it pretty easy. It is located nest to the derailer.


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I have a Bafang Ultra powered bike with that same function (shift sensor). I generally don't even notice it's there, but at low speeds and low cadence levels, if I need to downshift RIGHT NOW for something that's come up unexpectedly, there's a good chance I'm going to stall the bike due to the delay. So instead of even trying to downshift, I bump up the PAS level a couple steps. I'm usually riding in PAS 1, so bumping up into 2 or 3 gives me all the extra power that I generally need without hurting a thing (right now) - without the threat of stalling due to the delay. Point being, the Ultra is a torque monster, but the same trick on this bike may work out well for you as well many times. It might be worth a try. It's not something that happens to me very often, but it's a tool in my arsenal..... -Al
I too have a Prodigy. Mine does cut power when shifting but only for a split second. It is nearly undetectable.
But isn't one always supposed to let up a bit when shifting? That's the way I learned to use a derailleur way back when. So I always try to anticipate what gear to be in before I need it.
Letting up when shifting just makes sense to ease the strain on the system. A torque system can keep power on just a bit when one lets up peddle pressure so as to not have an on and off feel if peddle pressure is interrupted momentarily. That could be annoying as he##. I have found for instant power cut off the best is to apply the brake as most have a motor power cut off in them. A shift sensor should do the same when shifting but you still need to ease up peddle pressure to not crunch the drive system..
This isn't about the pause you generally take when shifting, it's about the electronic delay turning the power back on. It's not something you notice much normally, or maybe I should say I don't notice it much, unless you get into the scenario where the bike is barely moving, on the brink of stopping, then you shut off the power for a second (the switch shuts the power off for a second when shifted). If you're on grass, that's going to stop the bike in it's tracks..... As mentioned, the issue I have, is with low cadence and low speed.
Letting up when shifting just makes sense to ease the strain on the system. A torque system can keep power on just a bit when one lets up peddle pressure so as to not have an on and off feel if peddle pressure is interrupted momentarily. That could be annoying as he##. I have found for instant power cut off the best is to apply the brake as most have a motor power cut off in them. A shift sensor should do the same when shifting but you still need to ease up peddle pressure to not crunch the drive system..
I think that's 3 "peddle" pressures. lol