Rode the Specialized Turbo Creo SL Comp

MY CORRECTION: I triple checked my chainring this morning. And indeed the little alignment graphic is on the inside of the ring. I have had the chain off to clean it and reinstalled without ever noticing the graphic. Fortunately when I looked this morning it turns out I accidentally aligned it correctly.
I suppose you had a 50/50 chance. LOL
Another theory is the chain must be properly aligned on the chairing. There is a decal on the inside of the chainring that displays the proper alignment for the chain. Apparently many LBS’s are not even aware of this and deliver the bike to buyers with an incorrect alignment. Some riders report that simply fixing the alignment is enough to stop their chain from dropping. See photo of alignment decal below.

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I can't see how one would "align" a chain on a single chainring. Do you mean "clock" the links on the chainring as depicted on the sticker?
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I can't see how one would "align" a chain on a single chainring. Do you mean "clock" the links on the chainring as depicted on the sticker?
I think you are stuck on semantics. I mean “align” as you can see from this image on the Praxis web site:
Very enlightening thread.
Our Expert EVO's are being built as I type. The side by side comparison pictures look like two different chains to me. Maybe just the way they were photographed. I test rode a 2021 Expert EVO last week and it did indeed have the chain guard. Makes sense to put the chain diagram on the inside. Specialized knows how anal we can all be.