Riding in the bike lane, VA to Baltimore


Active Member

So I'm been planning a ride from Springfield VA to Baltimore's Inner Harbor and Fort McHenry. Google Maps takes me on roads like this where the bike lane is so narrow in a 45-50 mph road that even the bike picture doesn't fit.

Are there bike routes to Baltimore from Virginia that people have taken before are safer? Sometimes Google Maps puts me on 60 mph highways even when I click "bike".

From DC, I can take the Anacostia Trail to Paint Branch Trial. Once I'm in College Park, then trails seem to disappear.
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RideWithGPS seemed to do a pretty good job. It picked the roads that I was going to use after going through the maps manually. I might as well check out the Inner Harbor while I'm there. I'll have the GoPro running next time. Now with the external battery, recording time went from 1hr to 10hrs.