Ride1up Prodigy Towing


New Member
I am in the market for my first ebike.

My hope is to get a bike that can tow my puppies to the dog park. I have three dogs that weigh about 200 pounds total, and I am hoping to modify a garden cart designed to be towed behind a lawnmower or atv. It weighs about 70 pounds. I weigh 175.

There is one good sized hill on the path we will usually be taking, and a few smaller hills.

I have been looking at the ride1up prodigy as my understanding is the mid drive motor will have better towing capability, however some people have told me this will be impossible, while others have suggested it's doable. I have also looked at some hunting ebikes, but they are out of budget for me.

Do you think the prodigy is decent bike for handling this kind of load?
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our Bosch tandem will do both of us though our dogs are only 100 pounds at most in a burley trailer. but the trailer is going to be the issue those fat tires are going to take a lot of extra effort.
Just another opinion, but thinking the presence and size of hills will have a LOT to do with it, and the weight of the cart, holy cow, that sounds heavy!
Just another opinion, but thinking the presence and size of hills will have a LOT to do with it, and the weight of the cart, holy cow, that sounds heavy!
The biggest hill we'd be doing regularly is a 49ft incline over 4 tenths of a mile. There's another mile after that of rolling, but much shorter hills.

There is another hill I would like to do sometime too, but it's less of a deal breaker if I can't. It's about 8 tenths of a mile long. About 55ft up in the first .2, and another 30 ft up the rest of the way.

Yeah, it's a heavy cart, but it's all I've been able to find that is affordable, can carry that much weight, and I think I can modify to make safe for my dogs.
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@AHicks any guesses as to whether or not the 90nm of torque on the prodigy can handle that?
It might, but I'm REALLY hesitant to say it will only to have you left holding the bag if it won't....
It might, but I'm REALLY hesitant to say it will only to have you left holding the bag if it won't....
If I end up buying it and it doesn't work out, I'm forwarding you the bill /s.

But no, I can appreciate that.

Unfortunately I can't really think of a way to try before I buy
Really wish I could be more help...