Reaction to first ebike experience

Another addict is born. It is refreshing to hear from the newbies who have not lost sight of the pure joy of regaining the freedom of our youth when our bodies were more in line with our dreams. Exploring the world without concern for distances and obstacles in the path. Those of us fortunate to be involved in making those dreams available do not sell bikes but let people experience the exhilaration and guide them in choosing the right vehicle. As the technology improves it becomes ubiquitous much like an acoustic bike, an extension of our bodies. Unnoticeable assistance that seems natural with little attention or cumbersome controls are commonplace with systems sensing torque, cadence and other user and motor inputs. Electric assisted bikes have opened a world that promises to be healthier for the rider and the environment and let's be open here, just a whole lot more fun too. Many of us crusty old eBike guys may seem enthralled by the nuts and bolt technical details, but at least for me the thrill is still there. Keep rolling...Rich
Another addict is born. It is refreshing to hear from the newbies who have not lost sight of the pure joy of regaining the freedom of our youth when our bodies were more in line with our dreams. Exploring the world without concern for distances and obstacles in the path. Those of us fortunate to be involved in making those dreams available do not sell bikes but let people experience the exhilaration and guide them in choosing the right vehicle. As the technology improves it becomes ubiquitous much like an acoustic bike, an extension of our bodies. Unnoticeable assistance that seems natural with little attention or cumbersome controls are commonplace with systems sensing torque, cadence and other user and motor inputs. Electric assisted bikes have opened a world that promises to be healthier for the rider and the environment and let's be open here, just a whole lot more fun too. Many of us crusty old eBike guys may seem enthralled by the nuts and bolt technical details, but at least for me the thrill is still there. Keep rolling...Rich
Thanks Rich. You're quite the writer.
Every day, since I bought the bike, if the weather permits, I want to go out for a ride, just for the hell of it. And not anywhere special either. Just out on the streets. That alone makes it all worth it! I know the novelty will wear off somewhat, but not the accessibility it gives me to a whole new environment.
I know the novelty will wear off somewhat, but not the accessibility it gives me to a whole new environment.

No, not really it's been a year. At least for me with the Powerfly FS on the singletracks it hasn't. All anyone has to do is propose a ride and I'm there, otherwise I'm soloing mtb trails or woods around my house.