Reaction to first ebike experience

Kurt in CT

Active Member
Hi. Forgive this newbie review. You crusty old ebike guys will find this pretty old and basic. But I’m clearly in my honeymoon period… and glowing not only about my new bike, but about Ebikes in general!

So, before a big-ass snow storm hits here, I just took my first real ride with my new bike. And in doing so had my past 6 months of research completely validated. For once in my life, I made a good buying decision! And although I’m quite thrilled with the bike choice I made, I’m equally thrilled with the concept of Ebikes in general. So this is both a review on the bike, and Ebikes in general… as I fully realize that most of the other bikes out there do the same darn thing as mine. Anyway, my new bike is a Magnum Peak.

The thing is, even though I’ve been researching this for quite a while, I’m only now fully realizing the nuances and beauty of this technology. And though I’ve ridden few Ebikes in the past, today, I really got to feel it. My ride today was in a really hilly section of Connecticut. And I did this on purpose. In fact, hills are one of the primary reasons I wanted an ebike. I don't like them with traditional bikes. One of the hills today was easily one of the longer and steeper in the state. So to cut to the chase, at my first hill, I didn’t know which gear to be in to optimize the bike performance. But when I put my gear in a low gear (I know, duh), and put my pedal assist up to it’s max, I could not believe that I could go up this hill sitting down and not even winded! I was simply blown away! I had that giddy feeling people talk of regarding this concept. So that’s the thing I’m learning… that the gear you are in, in combination with the pedal assist level, matters. I did not know this before. And when you get to match correct, it makes your ride rather incredible.

So long story short, I’m crazy about the bike and I’m crazy about the technology. I’m even glad I chose the throttle option. I really don’t need it, but I’m glad it’s there and it’s definitely cool to have occasionally.

So what did I learn today?

1) The freedom and exhilaration of having this mode of transportation is going to be even better than I thought.

2) it’s getting me out doors even the crappy 40-degree weather, just as I had thought it would

3) I love the power of this bike. The power matters and I’m happy with what I chose.

4) I’m glad I have 24 gears. I’ve experimented with the gear range, and really like it. I’m sure 10 would be fine. But I’m enjoying the range because there are times I don’t want to use any electricity at all and I’m glad to have the wide gear option

5) i’m glad I got the knobby tires. Even though I’m going to be on the road a whole lot more than trails, I like having the option of going off-road.

6) I bought separate lights for both the front and back, which I plan to use in strobe-mode during the day. Really glad I’ve got these. Bought “URG” off Amazon. Killer strong. My roads here are narrow and not bike friendly. Need these and glad I have them.

7) Really glad that I bought from a LBS. Really great knowing I have the bike I want, and complete support behind me if something goes wrong.

8) Again, I didn’t know the bike would be so strong going up hills. I thought I’d have to work much harder. I’m beyond excited about this.

9) The ease of Ebikes is incredible.

10) My legs were feeling great. Pumped. This is a new form of exercise for me and clearly going to be great!

11) Totally into the look of my Magnum. Pretty cool.

So those are my initial reactions. I know I’ll have so much more as the season progresses.
Well congrats on the bike, and on keeping your options open. Choosing hub-driven when you were looking at mid drives initially, is going against the grain. Lots of choices out there and few places to demo any kind of selection.
I think you'll get tired of the noise off the knobbies pretty quickly. I really like Schwalbe Super Moto X tires on my full suspension bike. A little bigger cross section, very capable in the dirt if not muddy, and great on pavement.
Hey Kurt, +1 on just about everything you said. Glad you are having fun. I started riding electric last spring and I find the whole E biking experience addictive. From customizing the bikes that I bought stock to currently working on a DIY project bike (2 wasn’t enough yet, lol) this has been a great new pastime/ hobby for me. Be safe in the snow. I am in Putnam County and we are all expected to get pelted
@Kurt in CT I checked out the URG lights -- it has both 'flash' and 'strobe' -- what's the difference?
Aside from that, I have a Magnum Metro+ and I love it. Helpful tidbit: If you're climbing stairs with the bike, first set the PAS to zero, THEN use the 'walk mode' of the bike to climb the stairs.
@Kurt in CT I checked out the URG lights -- it has both 'flash' and 'strobe' -- what's the difference?
Aside from that, I have a Magnum Metro+ and I love it. Helpful tidbit: If you're climbing stairs with the bike, first set the PAS to zero, THEN use the 'walk mode' of the bike to climb the stairs.
Thanks! Have not even tried the walk mode yet. Will do so soon! Btw, is there a magnum group out there anywhere. Facebook or whatever?
Hey Kurt, +1 on just about everything you said. Glad you are having fun. I started riding electric last spring and I find the whole E biking experience addictive. From customizing the bikes that I bought stock to currently working on a DIY project bike (2 wasn’t enough yet, lol) this has been a great new pastime/ hobby for me. Be safe in the snow. I am in Putnam County and we are all expected to get pelted
:) Thanks Joe. Yep, I'm all-in now. Call me e-crazy. I'm actually going to try it in the snow for the first time ever. So looking forward to the storm this afternoon!
@Kurt in CT I checked out the URG lights -- it has both 'flash' and 'strobe' -- what's the difference?
Aside from that, I have a Magnum Metro+ and I love it. Helpful tidbit: If you're climbing stairs with the bike, first set the PAS to zero, THEN use the 'walk mode' of the bike to climb the stairs.
They have several modes: solid light, intermittent flash (every other second), and strobe (like a millisecond... "strobe" effect). Its superb!!
@Kurt in CT I'm not yet a crusty old ebiker, having only owned one for 6 days, hitting 3 rides. So I'm pretty stoked, as you are, with the new-to-me experience... I also have to sort out the right gear + assist level to make it most effective/enjoyable. But I love that I can just tap in 1 or 2 more levels of assist (I tend to run along so far on level 1 or 2 mostly, out of 5) as I approach a challenging incline, and in whatever gear, the effect of the assist is noticeable... (I'm assuming however, that getting proficient in gear + PAL setting will = longer range per charge...)
@Kurt in CT I'm not yet a crusty old ebiker, having only owned one for 6 days, hitting 3 rides. So I'm pretty stoked, as you are, with the new-to-me experience... I also have to sort out the right gear + assist level to make it most effective/enjoyable. But I love that I can just tap in 1 or 2 more levels of assist (I tend to run along so far on level 1 or 2 mostly, out of 5) as I approach a challenging incline, and in whatever gear, the effect of the assist is noticeable... (I'm assuming however, that getting proficient in gear + PAL setting will = longer range per charge...)
Chris, Yep, appreciate that. You and I are on the same timeline. So where are you located? Unfortunately I have a foot of snow outside my door. So not doing anything for a little while here.
@Kurt in CT Yeah, you all got clobbered this week! My sister just gave birth Tues. morning in Jersey City - they're wondering if they'll get to go home today, or simply wait it out one more night in the hospital... (Probably they'll get to leave today...) But I gather they got around 10 inches of heavy wet snow.
We got not a single flake, down here in northern VA... I'm in Arlington / work in Alexandria.
Hey Kurt, couldn't agree with you more. I got my Magnum Metro + in November and was able to get a few rides in before winter took over in Michigan. As long as the roads and paths are mostly dry, I am riding even if it is cold. This is my first ebike and I love it. Using mostly level 2-3 to cruise around 20 mph on fairly level terrain. I hope to find other ebikers in Michigan and get some organized rides going when the weather cooperates.
I think you'll get tired of the noise off the knobbies pretty quickly. I really like Schwalbe Super Moto X tires on my full suspension bike. A little bigger cross section, very capable in the dirt if not muddy, and great on pavement.

For the road/gravel Super Moto X are indeed great.
Thanks, will consider those at some point perhaps. Got to log some miles on what I have first. Btw, I'm not seeing them for 29" tires, which is what i have.
What's the standover height with the 29" wheels? I couldn't find any measurements on the Magnum site.
Another addict is born. It is refreshing to hear from the newbies who have not lost sight of the pure joy of regaining the freedom of our youth when our bodies were more in line with our dreams. Exploring the world without concern for distances and obstacles in the path. Those of us fortunate to be involved in making those dreams available do not sell bikes but let people experience the exhilaration and guide them in choosing the right vehicle. As the technology improves it becomes ubiquitous much like an acoustic bike, an extension of our bodies. Unnoticeable assistance that seems natural with little attention or cumbersome controls are commonplace with systems sensing torque, cadence and other user and motor inputs. Electric assisted bikes have opened a world that promises to be healthier for the rider and the environment and let's be open here, just a whole lot more fun too. Many of us crusty old eBike guys may seem enthralled by the nuts and bolt technical details, but at least for me the thrill is still there. Keep rolling...Rich