Interesting move, we used the mobile bike van for a test ride and it was the deciding factor for my wife to buy the bike. Maybe others are more comfortable buying a bike without a test ride, but dropping thousands on a new product we sure wanted to test ride it first. I bought mine from lbs and she got hers from rad after test ride. We haven’t had issues with servicing from lbs on her rad but that could be a concern if you buy one and can’t get it serviced. Doesn’t seem like they are hurting as I see the bikes all over the place. We have loved the rad mission we got! Great value ebike and rides really nice. She gets compliments everywhere she goes and a lot of the other school moms want to get one too! Sad for the mobile bike guys we met in Mesa if they got laid off because they were super friendly and passionate bike guys, hope they land on their feet and sure they will!