Rad Choice - smaller tires on Rad Rover


New Member
I have been analyzing for a while now and still struggline with choice.

I am going to try a Rad City ST today that someone is selling near me.
We have ordered 2 mini ST but I am not sure it is the one foro me. So we will put one together and I will try my spouses and not open my box yet.
I have some friends that have the ST Rover that is shipped.

So I should be able to try them all out in the next few weeks. Just wondering if I really like one over the other what options do I have to modify if needed.

Size has been a question as I am 5'1. I thought I was going to get the Rad Rover st but mix reviews on the size and how it will fit for me. I know that 28 inseem will barely make it. ONe quewtino I have is can you put 24 inch tire or something smaller to gain that EXTRA inch..or would that be stupid!

i am concerned about the reach on the mni as it is like 22 inches and I may be leaning forward.
Court shows that the Rad City has really low minimum seat height so hopefully that will be your best option! I like the bigger wheels, they always feel more stable and less squirly. Others have suggested you could always put different handle bars on them as well to lessen the reach. Might not work for the folders as easily, but definitely the city bike. Let us know what you think of the local Rad City! :D
Tried the Rad City...actually very comfortable - and definately not to big/tall. Seat was all the way down I would actually move it up. VERY relaxed feel vs my current mountain bike style. I think I would get used to it. BUT OMG, the throttle was so much faster then thetwo times I took a tour on a bike. I am a slow rider and I can see my friends who got a Rover and a Mini zooming! It may have been too much relax feel for me. Not sure.

On the tires, I am not sure what I am doing/thinking Timpo LOL. I was trying trying to think if I really like the BIGGER then 20 inch tires but all the RADS are too big (and others are similar when I look at dimensions) I was trying to think of other options. I didn't know if it was an easy thing to do to switch. Would it mess up how the bike rides etc.

I was even thinking on the MIni can you get bigger tires. / taller, I know I can change out for rads kendra 20x3.3 or 20x3.5 or 20x4 (they are coming with smooth tires for some reason now)
Glad it was comfy! I will most likely buy one as well though I'll probably never use the throttle, I just need the assist for hills.
Glad it was comfy! I will most likely buy one as well though I'll probably never use the throttle, I just need the assist for hills.
That is what I am thinking too..won't use it tons. Mine will not be for a Commuter....mainly fun.

I am about to post about the R1 700 to ask a question
That is what I am thinking too..won't use it tons. Mine will not be for a Commuter....mainly fun.

I am about to post about the R1 700 to ask a question
Did you try the City on some hills? It uses a different motor than the Rover and I've read it doesn't do too well climbing hills.
I can offer that MANY folks are a little overwhelmed by the amount of power on those first e-bike rides. In my experience, it's something you will quickly become accustomed to for most people. Those initial impressions will become nothing more than a grin when thinking back on them.