"Proprietary" Connectors

Bruce Arnold

Well-Known Member
Several comments, mostly disparaging, have been made about Juiced Bikes using "proprietary connectors." One poster suggested that this was done to keep owners from purchasing parts elsewhere.

I've already shown pictures of the XT-60 connectors that are used by Juiced. Apparently that wasn't the specific connector that the commenter was referring to.

It seems he was remarking on the Higo connectors.

Not proprietary. Buy them wherever they are sold.

For that matter, any connector that's got the right number of pins and is rated for the current will work. Juiced uses Higo because they are more waterproof. But you don't have to use the same ones Juiced uses if you want to change something.*

I don't mind criticism of Juiced Bikes when it's fact-based. When people start making stuff up, it's dishonest and a disservice to the forum.

Not saying names. Y'all know who you are.

*Edited to add: I like Anderson PowerPoles and use them for many purposes. As does Grin Technologies. They aren't waterproof though, so the Higo connectors are better for external connections.
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“Not proprietary. Buy them wherever they are sold.” Sorry but so far they are stupidly expensive and not easily found. Unless you have a source for Higo pigtails?
Agreed, Thomas. No one said they were cheap LOL. But they are available from sources other than Juiced, contrary to prior comments.
Not quite sure how to welcome the sarcasm. I’ve been buying, and you can find group buys I did on Endless Sphere a couple of years back. Your reference is excellent source buy VERY overpriced and very limited. Unlike XT connectors from Amass (original and best maker) easily found at low prices. I’m changing all to black, but no real hurry and 6 bIke’s will take a bit! A couple of bags from Hobbyking USA.

I assumed by your “buy them where ever sold” might mean you actually had a source. $48 plus shipping for a motor cable from eBike-de, makes them expensive. When one actually drills down the OEM’s using them are often specific to their product. So while not exactly proprietary, they certainly aren’t open source. Making the proprietary for some system. Some cross over but again they are often customized for an OEM.

If you or anyone finds a useful source please share. I’ll do the same.

Carry on...
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From my favorite source , after me! eBike.ca “but they are not available as a solderable inline plug that anyone can install. The connectors are supplied as premade cable harnesses in the OEM supply line which limits their usage in DIY builds, or as panel mount / PC mount plugs which require custom circuit boards or enclosures.”
Thomas, I wasn't being sarcastic.

There were several vendors when I did a Google search on the Higos. I just linked to the first one that came up.

Let me say this: while I understand your concern about cost, that isn't the point of this thread. The point is that they are available on the market and aren't in any way proprietary. Some inaccurate information had been shared on that topic and I wanted real information to be available.

My job here is done.
Sorry friend but the sources are looking limited to primarily OEM access. Reinhard being the single exception. The cable must be wired and use connectors specific to a product. I sell finished cables for Bafang, they aren’t correct for Sondors. Just one of dozens of examples. They are made for OEMs and usually are OEM specific. Had we gone beyond the first available reseller and took time to read the Higo business model, we’d see that proprietary cables are made for OEMs. A very valid criticism and an example of a good product with goofy pricing and abysmal support for the one or two bike stable.

“With leading e-bike brand Higo in our portfolio, we help e-bike manufacturers and OEM companies to find their way into the world of battery, main cable, motor, and signal connectors and we specialize in designing customized cable harnesses, splitters and connectors upon customers’ request.”

Carry on.
Nice connectors, used all over the place in the ebike industry. I like them. Stupidly expensive if you have to buy a single piece.

Nonetheless, if I owned a Juiced ebike and I crashed it, ripping open a throttle connector and couldn't get a new assembly from Juiced. then I would buy the connector from the guys in Germany and pay $20-30 for two 50 cent parts that have to be spliced in. It would likely be much cheaper than buying a complete throttle and master cable from Juiced anyway.
Thomas, I just don't understand where you are going with this. I think you're looking for something in this thread that was never meant to be there. You know way more about this kind of DIY stuff than I do, but I think you're missing the forest for the trees.

That being said, if you follow through on the link I sent, it says (for instance) "Higo motor cable with connector, sales price 48 euros, add to cart." That's retail, available to the general public, any way you slice it. Not proprietary.
Thomas, I just don't understand where you are going with this. I think you're looking for something in this thread that was never meant to be there. You know way more about this kind of DIY stuff than I do, but I think you're missing the forest for the trees.

That being said, if you follow through on the link I sent, it says (for instance) "Higo motor cable with connector, sales price 48 euros, add to cart." That's retail, available to the general public, any way you slice it. Not proprietary.
I now do see where Reinhard has added some pigtails, but still contend OEM's aren't doing a good job of supplying the right cables. 48EU for a 9USD cable....OUCH. I did order some pigtails. Thanks for the link. I hadn't followed it thinking I knew what was available. Reinhard keeps adding!