Propeller Powered Electric Bike?!


Staff member
I couldn't not share this... It reminds me of being a kid and thinking "why not try xyz!" even though there are some pretty obvious drawbacks like noise and limited cargo space on the rack. I received an email from Daniel with the WinDgoe team who sent me a link to their site. I like this video, the narrator starts out with "make your bike faster, win-de-go!" and then they just let her rip :p

Can you guys think of any ways to make this product better? I wonder how long the battery lasts, whether they could make it quieter, if you could attach a sail and fly the bike like an ultralight sort of thing. Just interesting, had to share ;)
I get plenty of looks just from fat knobby tire noise, this thing is crazy loud! It would be good for those rides after spicy food. LOL
I don't want to try to draft that guy:eek:.

Part of what I enjoy about cycling is the peace and quiet of the experience. I don't have a clue as to how one could downsize and quiet the system, and still have it move the weight. Which begs the question of how much the bike in the video weighs? I doubt too many communities would allow it on a multi use path.
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35mph top speed
12 mile range
30 extra pound

Unless this extremely cheap, not sure why you would go this route compared to even buying a used ebike with 2X-4X the range?
I couldn't not share this... It reminds me of being a kid and thinking "why not try xyz!" even though there are some pretty obvious drawbacks like noise and limited cargo space on the rack. I received an email from Daniel with the WinDgoe team who sent me a link to their site. I like this video, the narrator starts out with "make your bike faster, win-de-go!" and then they just let her rip :p

Can you guys think of any ways to make this product better? I wonder how long the battery lasts, whether they could make it quieter, if you could attach a sail and fly the bike like an ultralight sort of thing. Just interesting, had to share ;)

Court- I am laughing so hard, I am unable to catch my breath on this one! Is this for real or a skit from SNL making fun of ebikes? It is just very difficult to take this
along for a ride being the noise level is so high. Perhaps for someone who wants to go from an ultralight flyer to an ultralight biker IMHO! I agree, as kids we would think of something like this similar to taking a high powered box fan and using duct tape to attach to the rear rack of your bicycle. LOL
Thanks for posting. Have not had a good laugh like this one in awhile on EBR! :D
I couldn't not share this... It reminds me of being a kid and thinking "why not try xyz!" even though there are some pretty obvious drawbacks like noise and limited cargo space on the rack. I received an email from Daniel with the WinDgoe team who sent me a link to their site. I like this video, the narrator starts out with "make your bike faster, win-de-go!" and then they just let her rip :p

Can you guys think of any ways to make this product better? I wonder how long the battery lasts, whether they could make it quieter, if you could attach a sail and fly the bike like an ultralight sort of thing. Just interesting, had to share ;)
The first thing that comes into my mind is "Marsh boat", they might as well put flotation skis on that thing and make it a "Marsh Bike" with marshmallowy ride.:D:p:)
I emailed the website asking more specifics about the 12 mile range (average speed and battery specifics). And here is the answer.
- 12 miles, no pedalling
- LiPO4, 37 volts, 16 ah (592 wh)
- Average speed 16-18 mph.
- battery mileage = 49 wh/mile, could be better with pedaling, by how much?

Quote [ Aug 24 at 5:52 PM Hello, thank you for the email Mark! It was around 16-18 mph average. The batteries used in those tests were lipo, the kind they fly the rc planes with, flexapack types rather than the little cans right now though may go can type. A lot of empty space in those side saddles actually, plan to add more battery capacity, probably to 24ah. Used 16AH 10S (37V nominal). With that range I didn't peddle but a tiny bit, my derailleur hanger was broke and stuck in low gear at the time! Now fixed. Drawing around 36 amps per motor at 100%, keeps them cool as they can handle a lot more, ran that distance test with the throttle around 40-60% mostly. Uploaded another 3D walkaround tour video of it detached from the bike today. Plan to add more pictures also over next 24hrs. Daniel ] End quote.